After a few more minutes of affection she slowly and reluctantly pulled away, knowing it was getting late.

She held a dazed look on her face a small smile present on her lips.

Steven had that same smile and said smoothly, "I will see you again."


Annabelle awoke from her slumber and looked at her gorgeous wedding ring even after three years of marriage it never ceased to amaze her. She loved being married.

She turned over in bed and kissed Steven good morning. He awoke with a smile. "Good morning baby." she said, and rubbed his bare chest.

He made a soft rumble of pleasure. He loved how she treated him.

"It's a good morning now." he grinned.

"What are the plans for today?" she asked as she cuddled up to him, laying on her side.

He turned on his side and hugged her from behind.

"Work." he replied, kissing her neck.

She groaned at the word. "I wish you could stay home more." she said softly.

Steven found that interesting. Evelyn loved it when he'd leave.

"I know princess but I have to, so I can buy you lots of nice things." he explained.

"I don't want things. I want you."

Another interesting thought to Steven, the conversation revealing how different she was compared to his first wife who hated him and loved his money.

He smiled slightly and pulled her closer to him, making her give out a little squeak of surprise.

He moved her hair so that he could kiss the back of her neck and rubbed her sides.

She moaned quietly. "Well, I suppose I can release you. But I'll be waiting for you." she said lovingly.

Steven stopped kissing her and smiled. "I know."

He kissed her cheek and got ready for work.

She got up, brushed her hair and got dressed as well. He grabbed his brief case and she met him at the front door. She wanted him to leave the house seeing her pretty, which Steven thought was sweet of her.

She put her arms around his neck and gave him a tender kiss before letting him go and waving good bye as his car drove off.

Around lunch time Steven was in his office sitting at his desk, thinking of his lovely wife and not looking forward to eating the food they had there.

His secretary knocked on the door and was allowed in. She held a plate that had chips and a turkey and bacon sandwich on it.

She set the plate on his desk and said; "Mrs. Price came and told us to give this to you." she smiled slightly, knowing he was much happier with Annabelle than he ever was with Evelyn.

Steven smiled, "That darling girl."

The woman smiled.

"Thank her for me will you?"

"Oh she already left."

"Then I'll thank her myself when I get home." he said, concealing a smirk.

The woman hid a smile, "I'm sure you will." she said, knowing what he meant, and left.

There was a note sticking out underneath the plate that said, "It's not much but I was hoping to brighten your day. I love you. ~Annabelle"

He smiled even more.

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