9. A Shit-Load of Vervain

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Go," I said. He obliged, entering the tomb after Anna and Elena.

"You let him go in there knowing that there's no way for him to get out?" Caroline asked, grabbing my arm. I wanted to explain that Damon being trapped was better for everyone, but I couldn't do that without sounding like a heartless bitch.

For all I cared, Damon and Katherine could rot in that tomb for all eternity.

"He can't get out?" a voice asked. Stefan.

"We didn't break the seal, we just opened the door," Grams revealed. "Elena can get out."

At that point, Elena screamed and Stefan ran into the tomb.

"No Stefan!" I screamed, trying to run in after him, but Caroline held me back. "Get them out," I said to Bonnie and her Grams. "Stefan shouldn't be in there. Do whatever you have to do, get them out of there."

"Please Grams," Bonnie added.

"I don't have the strength to undo the spell," she said regretfully.

I thought for a moment. Hadn't Damon said that Emily Bennett was the one that casted the spell in the first place?

"Well, what if you channelled a direct descendant of the witch that casted the spell?" I asked. "I'm Emily Bennett's niece."

"That could work, right?" Bonnie asked, sounding as desperate as I was, probably because she knew that Elena wouldn't be able to function with Stefan stuck in the tomb.

Bonnie's Grams looked at both of us, exasperated. I guessed lifting a spell that endangered her town was the last thing she wanted to do. Nevertheless, she held both of our hands. I took Bonnie's and they said words that I didn't recognize.

"Stefan, they're lifting the spell!" Caroline shouted into the tomb. "You have to get out now!"

Elena came running out first.

"Katherine's not there," she said. "Damon won't leave."

Next came Anna and her mother, Pearl. Looking sheepish, Anna kept her head down as she exited the tomb and went out into the world. I felt Grams' hold on me weaken slightly.

"They can't hold it much longer," I shouted, straining to hear what they were saying to each other.

"If we don't leave now," Stefan said. "We're not getting out." Stefan was very much a 'we' person, particularly when it came to Damon. He'd sacrifice everything for the people that he loved. Damon and I were much more selfish.

"Why would Stefan go in there?" Elena asked, breathing heavily.

"He heard you scream," Caroline informed her. If Stefan didn't get out, she'd blame herself forever. To be fair, I would blame her forever too. And my forever would last a lot longer than hers.

"Stefan, throw him over your shoulder and get the fuck out!" I shouted.

We heard footsteps, and then they both appeared at the door, stepping out of the tomb one by one. Bonnie and her Grams stopped the spell and everything went dark.

"Thank God," Elena said, rushing to hug her boyfriend.

"You were gonna stay in there for eternity? For the evil vampire slut?" I asked Damon angrily.

"I love her," he said softly.

I punched him in the arm as hard as I could. "You selfish bastard!"

"Um, Serena, maybe you should go with Elena and take Bonnie and her Grams home?" Stefan suggested, giving me a look that said 'I know he's a dick, but please don't kill him."

"Fine," I said, anger still prevalent inside me. I was sure now, more than ever, that Damon couldn't be trusted. He'd sacrificed everything for Katherine Pierce, just like he did in 1864. Nothing had changed.


"Thanks for coming over," Bonnie said to us. "That was a big spell, it took a lot out of Grams."

"We're really grateful," I said honestly. "I'm sorry that Damon caused this."

"Anna's the one who kidnapped us," Elena said. "She forced Bonnie and her Grams to open the tomb by threatening my life. It's not just Damon's fault."

"He's the one that made Emily Bennett keep them safe in the first place," I argued.

"I'm just saying, you give him a really hard time."

"Or maybe, everyone else around here lets him off too easily!" Growing up with a brother like Damon, seeing him change into what he'd become, it was hard to see him the way everyone else did. It was hard to forgive him for doing one thing wrong when you'd witnessed the other 100 mistakes he'd made.

"You guys should cool down," Bonnie said, worriedly glancing between us.

"Right," I said. "I'll go and check on your Grams."

I walked into her bedroom, sitting beside her on the bed where she slept. "Mrs. Bennett," I called softly. When she didn't stir, I called again, a bit louder. Then I stopped and listened. Usually, as a vampire, hearing a human's heartbeat was constant background noise, something that you had to tune out. But right then, I couldn't hear one.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie said from behind me. I couldn't look at her, couldn't speak. "Grams?" she asked. "Grams!" she shouted, tears running down her face as she shook her Grams, determined to wake her up.

I found my voice. "Elena!" I called. She came running in momentarily, taking in the scene, tears filling her eyes. She whipped her phone out to call an ambulance as I felt my own phone vibrate with a text.

Stefan: We have a huge problem.


Thanks so much for reading!

What do you think the huge problem is? Find out next Saturday!

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