"What happened?" Scott said as he saw the blood stained bandage. "Derek," Lydia mumbled. "He attacked you two? Are you okay? Where's Sabrina?" Stiles asked quickly. "We're fine," Deaton told him. "Sabrina went with Derek," Lydia answered Stiles' question.

"I don't think they're just younger in bodies. I think they're younger in their mind too." Deaton told Scott and Stiles. Lydia shook her head. "They didn't recognize either of us." Lydia sighed. "I thought for sure Sabrina would recognize me. But then again, I do look different now then I did when I was ten. Derek and Sabrina both looked like they were scared out of their minds."

Stiles nodded. "Okay, so if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" "A wolf goes back to its den but Derek lives in a loft and Sabrina lives with me," answered Scott. But Stiles shook his head. "Not when he was a teenager." "The Hale House," Lydia said catching on. Deaton nodded. "He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet."  

Before Scott and Stiles could leave the room, Lydia stepped over to them. "Hold on. Say you do manage to catch up to him, what are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?" "I guess I'm going to have to." Scott mumbled. "Oh, yeah, good luck with that," Lydia said with sarcasm plain and evident in her tone and face.

Stiles had to think Lydia had a point. "She's probably right. Maybe you shouldn't. You know, at least until we figure out how to get him and Sabrina back to normal." Scott shook his head. "I can't lie to him." Stiles shrugged. "Okay, I'll do it." "I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear our heartbeat rising. When we find him, we tell him the truth." Deaton just looked at him. "If he gets to the house first, you won't have to."

"Okay, what about Sabrina?" asked Lydia. "Would she go to your house, Scott?" Scott nodded. "Yeah." But Deaton shook his head. "Unless she went to the Hale House." Stiles narrowed his eyes. "Why would she go there?"

"She and Derek have a strong bond together. After all, he was the one who taught her how to control herself when she first turned." Deaton explained. "So you think she'll be at the Hale House as well?" Stiles asked. Deaton shrugged. "It's possible." "Was she friends with Derek before or after the fire happened?" Scott asked. "Before." Deaton said. "Great." Stiles mumbled.


Derek and Sabrina ran through the woods, adrenaline making them run even faster than normal. Nothing was going to stop Derek from getting home. When they reached his family's land, they were shocked. There was a metal fence surrounding the property that wasn't supposed to be there. He quickly cut the gate open with his strength and stepped inside. He took a few steps and froze. Instead of finding his home, he found a pile of rubble and broken pieces of wood. There where demolition vehicles nearby. His home was gone.

He kneeled in front of the rubble, wondering what had happened to his home and his family. Sabrina placed her hand on his shoulder when a sheriff's station van pulled up. Deputies Parrish and Haigh step out and make their way into the gate through the opening that Derek made.  

"Excuse me young man and girl," Parrish said as they walked to him. Haigh smirked at him. "You're calling him young man?" he snickered. "Shut up Haigh," Parrish muttered as he kept moving for Derek and Sabrina. "I'm sorry but you two can't be here." Derek remained unresponsive and just kept staring at the rubble. "Hey dumbasses," Haigh shot out. "You two ever hear of no trespassing?"

Derek barely turned his head at them. "This is my house," he spat out before looking back at the rubble. Haigh snorted. "Nobody's been here for years, kid. Now you two get the hell out of here." "Haigh," Parrish said a bit indignantly. "Maybe a slightly more gentler touch," he suggested. He then moved in a bit closer to Derek and Sabrina. "Are you two alright? We can help you if something's wrong."

A Werewolf and a Human [2] Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now