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Short update. I started writing another story. I'm not sure when I'll post it, but I'll notify you when I do.


Morgan's POV:

Everything inside of my stomach exploded. I tried to run to the bathroom but Jacob held me back. I ended up vomiting on him. An apology wasn't necessary because he deserved it.

He threw another blow, hitting me right in the stomach. The pain was excruciating but all I could think about was my baby.

Regardless of the fact that he or she was a product of an rape incident, I still grew to love him or her.

Thick, red and smelly vomit was all over the room. Jacob continued to hit me. Once in my side, another in my stomach. The pain was unbearable. He was killing my baby.

I know most girls in my position would be excited about this, but I'm not. I wanted to have my little bundle of joy.

I wanted to have someone to talk to; I hated being alone. A baby would bring me happiness and joy. My mind would be oblivious to my current situation. I would have someone to be strong for.

My mind was in space, while my body laid motionless. My heart was racing, and my body was shutting down. The sharp pains in my stomach and sides were going to be the death of me. They sucked life out of me every time they'd occur.

I felt my panties start to dampen, but it wasn't urine. It was warm, and it started running down my legs. Jacob noticed it, and he became even more enraged.

Jacob yanked me by hair, and pulled me up. I really didn't know what was going on, and I was trying to decipher it. I thought he was upset because I seemed to piss on the ground.

"Why are you bleeding, if you're pregnant?" he angrily asked. He looked hurt and upset but quite frankly, I didn't care about his feelings anymore.

I realized that I was bleeding from being stuck in the stomach and my sides repeatedly, and my baby was most likely gone. Tears started a stream down my face, I began to controllably yell and holler.

"You killed my baby!" I yelled over and over again. I wasn't going to stop until he got that threw his head. He was a murderer. A senseless murderer.


Last night, everything went downhill. Jacob beat me, and my little bundle of joy got hurt. Hopefully, it's alright in there. I can't lose him or her.

I woke up this morning with killer cramps. I wonder if that's common with pregnancy?

I looked over in the bed and Jacob wasn't there. Thank God. After last night's events, I didn't want to see his face.

I rushed to the bathroom, not because of morning sickness but because I had to pee. I quickly finished, and I felt a huge lump of blood escape from me. I looked down and held my stomach. It was a unborn fetus, laying in the water.

My baby was dead, he killed it.

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