"Okay, Wrigley is a field so I can't flirt with it and yes, I did want to meet Kris Bryant. But you know what? I ask my boyfriend to take me to say hi! I didn't share looks in the corner of a coffee shop in Chicago," Bristol's moodiness couldn't be blamed on pregnancy right now, "Jessalyn, you need to chill."

"I don't have to do anything," Jess shook her head, a bit taken back by the whole situation, "I simply spoke to another baseball player. I talk to Dansby's teammates all the time!"

"Yes, teammates who KNOW you are engaged to Dansby! There's no way Mr. Hair flips down there can know you're engaged to Dansby by looking at your ring... because YOU didn't tell him, did you?"

Jess turned her attention to the field. Andrew was batting so she kept her eyes on her man at shortstop. She wasn't going to answer. It was pointless.

"You didn't. You didn't even tell him!" She shook her head and felt disappointed by the entire situation. Part of her wondered if more had happened than Jess was letting on. Jessalyn had always been the good girl and the one who never got into any trouble... it wasn't a far-fetched idea that she may have been wanting to do something crazy before she officially got married. Bristol knew Jess well enough to know she wouldn't forgive herself for that, though, "Wow."

"Don't 'wow' me. I hate how you act so perfect."

"ME? PERFECT?" She pointed to her stomach, "I am NOT perfect by any means. But I wouldn't cheat on my BOYFRIEND."

"That's a HUGE accusation you're making there-" Jess stood and moved passed her friend, "I'm done with this conversation!"

"Where are you going?" Bristol stood too and watched as she made her way into the aisle, "Jess!"

"To the clubhouse. Don't follow me-" She hissed and stormed off. Over twenty years of friendship and never once had she been so angry at her best friend. Why she was angry was left to be seen. The truth had a way of doing that to someone.

The game seemingly dragged by and Bristol tried to relax but it was nearly impossible. She watched and cheered as Ender robbed Andrew of a two run home run to end the eighth. The game was about to head into the top of the ninth, which would be the final call for the Braves. Dansby would be first up, followed by Ender, since the pitcher didn't have to bat. Bristol debated texting Jess, but then remembered why she was mad.

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now