|Jeon Wonwoo| Surprise!

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July 16th

Wonwoo: Jagiya
Wonwoo: Will you be able to come for my birthday?

(Y/N): I'm really busy with work, I'm sorry ;;

Wonwoo: :(

(Y/N): You're making me feel bad

Wonwoo: That's the point
Wonwoo: Are you sure you aren't able to come to visit?

(Y/N): I don't think my boss will let me Wonwoo ;(
(Y/N): My break ended, talk later♡

Wonwoo: Don't work yourself too hard...

Tomorrow was the day where Jeon Wonwoo became a year older than he was, and the feeling of sadness slowly grew over him, knowing that his beloved wasn't able to make it on his special day.

It was late, the others weren't asleep because they were busy discussing something. The room was silence, only a sad sigh was heard he put down his phone beside him. It's been almost four months since he had last seen her. He missed her so much.

Little did he know that the boys were already organising the big surprise. Jeonghan texted the manager about their plan, hoping for things to work out. He was the one who thought of this as he knew how much Wonwoo longed to hold her in his arms again.

"So when is (Y/N) arriving?" Hoshi asked, tilting his head. Jeonghan thought about it for a few moments before quickly standing up and grabbing the closet jacket near him.

"Hyung, that's my-"

"I'll give it back to you later Joshua. She's probably arriving  soon." He said as he quickly walked out of the room. He recieved a text from the manager, agreeing to the idea. He quickly rushed out of the dorm, getting a look from the Wonwoo.

"Where are you going? It's late.." He asked curiously. Jeonghan flashed him a quick smile before running off.


Jeonghan and his manager waited, slowly losing patients as time slowly went by. He heard someone calling out his name, hoping that it was her and not a fan who had recognised him.

"Jeonghan, I'm so sorry for making you wait!" He quickly woke up his manager before he quickly ran over to her.s

"We're almost out of time, let's go get your luggage." He mumbled, making his way towards her. They both quickly rushed to pick up her luggage whilst the manager ran off to start the car.


Wonwoo read through the last page before closing it shut, as he had finished another book. He checked the time on his phone and was slightly taken back by how late it really was.

"It's almost 12... Is everyone else asleep?" He whispered to himself as he watched the minutes go to double zeros.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEON WONWOO!" The members called out, startling him. Some of the members laughed, moving out of the way as the short composer walked in with a cake, placing it on the table as he gave him his present.

"I saw you looking at this when we walked by a book store so I bought it for you." He said, seeing the bright face on the older males face.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish hyung!" The maknae yelled as he pushed his way to the front of everyone.

Everyone watched him as he thought of a wish before blowing out the candles.

"I bet he wished for (Y/N) to be here~!" Seungkwan sung. The door was knocked, making some of the members fight their way to open the door. "Speak of the devil!" He grinned, as the door was slammed opened by DK. Jeonghan walked through the door, being slightly puffed from running. He looked behind and grabbed her wrist, pulling her in.

Wonwoo's eyes widen as he saw her, standing shyly with a small bow on her head.

"This is our present to you." Jeonghan chuckled, signalling everyone to leave the couple so they could talk in private. Some of the members walked out of the dorm to help the manager carry the luggage to the dorm.

Wonwoo quickly ran towards her, wrapping his arms around her, never wanting to let go. He held her tightly, feeling her arms wrap around him.

"Do you know how long I've been wanting to see you?" He whispered, looking at her in the eyes. He wiped the tears as they rolled down her cheeks.

"For four painful months... But I also got a surprise from you." She started off, making him wonder in curiosity. "I'm now working as your (make up artist/stylist)! Now I won't have to get jealous of anyone being so close to your face..." She mumbled, making him chuckle.

He put his index finer under her chin, lifting her head up to make eye contact with his. He slowly leaned in, planting his lips onto hers, holding her around her waist. He pulled her closer to him, not wanting to be away from her, not even a second.

They both pulled away as their lungs were desperate for air. He looked at her and smiled, being given a smile back. She grabbed his hand and pushed him down onto the couch, putting herself on top of him.

"Now let's cuddle, it's late and I want some sleep..." She whispered, closing her eyes. She listened to his heart beat, making her smile slightly. "Goodnight..."

"Before you go to dreamland... Can I ask you something?" He asked. She lifted her head and looked at him. "When can I open my present?" He said with a sly smirk. She got up and began to walk away from him. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. "Don't you dare leave me... I've been away from you long enough..." He whispered, running his hand through her hair. "Goodnight..."

"Goodnight Wonwoo~"

Happy Wonwoo day everyone!


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