|Yoon Jeonghan| Saviour

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Most groups have crazy sasaeng fans. They will stalk their favorite idol, try to kidnap them, do their best to get there attention, no matter how crazy it is, they'll even do illegal things. They'll do anything just to be close to their bias or even take a picture with them.

Recently, as the news went around viral, Seventeen has a fan that has been stalking for a few months already. Their first move of trying to get one of them to notice her was to slap one of the members as he walked by. The members around the slapped member gave them a glare before moving on, trying not to cause any more trouble.

Their second move was following their van all the way back to the company. Woozi noticed the same taxi that has been following them for the past few minutes and told the manager. The manager nodded and called the police, telling them about the situation before going back to doing what they were previously doing.

Now their third move was to find a way to get close to their bias, Yoon Jeonghan. They found him perfect, they wanted to be close to him, they were completely obsessed with him. The policies were aware of the situation, some of them had to come and travel with them just for extra security, but it was never mentioned to the group.


The popular group stood in the positions and froze in their finishing pose. The fans screaming and clapped, some were even crying because of how proud they were. The group said a few words before bowing and walking off the stage, to change in the change room.

The manager told them to come to the van once they were done. Jeonghan looked around for his clothes, slightly panicking as he saw the members leave one by one. He quickly stripped off his clothes and changed into something more casual. He quickly made his way out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He picked up his pace, not wanting to be left behind.

Little did he know that someone was watching him, slowly sneaking up behind him with a cloth. His instincts came in and stopped, snapping head back to see a fan but before he could do anything, everything faded into darkness. The fan quickly dragged him, admiring how close they were to him.

"I'm going to treat you so well...."

The manager went back to find where the second oldest member was, the others were worrying, starting to make an assumption, making them even more worried. The manager ran back in the van with his phone close to his ear.

"One of our members have been kidnapped, please do your best to find him." The manager went on, telling the police about what Jeonghan looked like and where he was last seen. "Please do your best to find him."

"Don't worry sir, one of the officers have already started to investigate, we will call you back after we find some information. Until then, please stay calm and just pray that he is safe."

The members started asking their manager about the situation. The scenario was explained and the members were worried to the point that they start yelling at each other for coming up with scenarios that would make the mood worse.


Jeonghan groaned in pain, slowly opening up his eyes, but quickly closing them as he saw a bright light facing towards him.

"Where... Am I?" He asked himself quietly. He felt ropes tightly tied around his hands and legs, realizing that he was tied to a chair in completely different clothes.

"Yoon Jeonghan... I love you so much... and now you're right here! In front of me! Oh, how much I love seeing your beautiful face..." The fan said, scaring Jeonghan. He was about to yell at them but quickly closed his mouth as he saw a taser and a few other sharp weapons behind them. "Now now Jeonghan, we don't want to get caught by anyone do we?" They said smirking, making their way towards him. He looked at them, terrified of what they were going to do. "Say anything and you'll either get zapped or stabbed, whatever I feel like doing-"

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