|Hansol Vernon| Imagination

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(F/N) = First name.

Vernon's POV

A couple years ago, I've met a really wonderful girl... She really causes something inside of me... Something that I have never experienced before, ever. Her smiles and laughs are all I need in life, and honestly... I don't think I can live one day without her by my side.

I want to spend my future with her.

Every morning, I wake up to find her next to me sleeping, reading a book or on her phone, but ever since I've debuted with Seventeen, I've barely getting time to visit her.

I crave for her hugs and kisses every time we're away from each other.

Video calls aren't enough. Whenever she would start complaining about her day or she starts to break down, I want to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything is okay, it's not like I can just go through my phone and just appear on her side of the screen.

I miss the feeling of waking up to see her sleepy face, I miss the warmth of her. I miss the times we laughed together, smiled together, I miss those soft lips, I miss her presence.

But I'm glad that she comes to our fan meetings, yet I feel bad for making her come all the way to another country just to see us... I wonder how much money she spent on plane tickets just to see me.. And the other members of course.

The members know about our relationship, the manager does as well but as long as I focus more about the career than her, it won't be a problem. I'm working hard everyday, practising with everyone else and sometimes having rap battles to improve my skills, just for her and (of course) for the company and the fans, but mostly for her. Our relationship isn't public, mostly because it'll cause a massive issue between us.

It's been so long since I last hugged her, kissed her, or even saw her! The video calls don't count though. If I could, I would love to bring her here with me.

I miss her... So much..

"Earth to Vernon!"

"Ah, sorry (F/N). I was daydreaming about you." I chuckled lightly as I watched her expression change.

"Oh my god... That was so cheesy!"

"I'm just being honest!" Hearing her laugh makes my hear flutter, her smiles makes my heart melt, she could be the death of me one day...

"What's it like in LA?"

"The temperature is definitely different... What time is it over there?"

"South Korea is only 16 hours ahead of LA, you can figure that out right?"

"I'm too busy thinking back you to do some math problem."

"I swear to Jisoo, you're so smooth."

I laughed at her comment, making her laugh as well. I saw her trying to hide her yawn, I knew she was tired.

"Get some sleep, I don't want you to become sleep deprived because of me."

"But I like talking to you..."

"I do too, but I worry about you're health as well as your existence."

"... Fine... I'll text you when I'm awake... Goodnight Vernon..." She yawned again, making a heart with her hands, I made one back and smiled at her.

The call ended and everything went quiet, what am I suppose to do now?

"I miss her voice already." I sighed. I felt a droplet of water hit my head. "Does my room have a hole in the roof?" I wondered as I looked up, only to finally snap back into reality. I sat there, staring at her grave as rain poured down on me.

"Vernon... I want you to tell me something...." She said in a raspy voice. I stared at her, feeling my tears gathering in the corner of my eyes. "Tell me... That you love me for the very last time..."

I tightly gripped onto her hand, choking on my sobs. She weakly lifted her hand to wipe away my tears. I heard the heart monitor slow down with every beat.

"(F/N)! I LOVE YOU!! Please, just try to stay stronger for a bit longer..!" I yelled with desperation. I saw her smiling at me. "W-why are you smiling...?" I asked, I never got an answer. She slowly leaned forward, placing her cold lips onto mine. I immediately kissed back, only to feel her fall back on the hospital bed. "(F/N)...? (F/N)!!"

"I love you too Hansol Vernon Chwe. Please be strong for..."

Warm tears slid down my cheeks, slowly falling onto the ground. I wiped away those tears, knowing that (F/N) would want to see me crying in front of her.

"I miss you too much (F/N)..." I said, hearing my voice crack.

"Vernon... I don't think she wants to see you crying..." Said a familiar voice. I looked up at the person and saw Seungkwan holding an umbrella above me. "Lets go before you get sick." I quietly obeyed and stood up, walking back to the dorm with him, listening to him and his comforting words.

I love writing angst.


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