Well I Guess We're Back to Day One Again!

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I started walking 10 minutes after I found the note underneath the bags he packed for me. It was as if he was the father I never had. 30 miles out of the town El Toro, I found a brain muncher cut in thirds. His name must've been Douglas because, well because he looked like one. He looked pretty terrible other than the fact that you know, someone sliced and diced him. I didn't take him out because it was funny watching him struggle. In the middle of my first day traveling since day one of the apocalypse, I ran into 7 bities. Two of which were crippled, and left alone and the other five. Let me put it this way: I killed them. Which of course anyone in the right mind would do, so I didn't feel guilt. After I killed the 7th diseased since I left El Toro, I didn't see anything for the rest of the day. Most likely because I'm walking threw a freakin desert! But you never know there could be a better answer, but the first ones more practical. When I ran into my eighth bity it was already way past sundown, and I didn't want to stop until I found a tree. But I couldn't see any trees in the far distance. So I finally gave up, I collapsed. When I woke up, I looked around and figured I was in a hut. Yup a hut. Someone bursted in, I reached for my knife and stuck it out in front of me. It wasn't my fault I swear, but when he came close enough. He shanked himself. Turns out he was only giving me water. I took the glass, and of course the knife from his gut. We both knew what had to be done. So I made it quick and just did it, I shanked his face. I felt so bad but I took all his water and food, but he's dead now so I don't think he'd mind. I was being respectful and buried him in the hut. It took me at least forty five minutes to dig the hole put him in it and then I left. I walked for three more days all alone and I still haven't ran into anyone. Just all those stupid diseased pieces of- crap. With only 24 days left before the boater leaves for three weeks, I heard a girl screaming. I wasn't about to let an innocent person die-again. So I followed the god awful, zombie attracting noise. I caught sight of her, she had light brown hair up in a ponytail, kinda, sorta tall. And definitely hurt. She I think was attempting to get away from the bitten, but was definitely failing. One of the "creepy crawlers" (half zombie) about got her. I sprinted to help her and right before it got to her I took out my knife and stabbed the it deep into it's head until no longer moved. She stood up straight immediately, brushed off her clothes, cleared her throat and said only two words "Uh thanks." She looked really embarrassed so I didn't make a big deal out of it. I wiped off my blade and put it back in my bag. I looked at her leg and asked "what the heck happened there?" and she turned her leg so I could fully see her injury. "I was fighting with these scavengers and they wanted my food, I told them no and they tried taking my bag. I took out my knife and killed one of the men. One of them grabbed me and held me tight, while the others searched my bag for anything valuable. They took the rest of my food, and all of the water I had saved. A couple said they wanted me dead, but one said to injure me and let the zombies have me." My expression said it all. Oh my good gravy. Instead of saying something comforting like any other regular person I said "Man compared to yours, my day was great." Her face immediately went blanker then it already was, and instead of laughing she said "Out of all the people God could've sent to help me, he sent you." And at that moment I had to say it "wait, out of everything that happened you still believe in that stuff?" Once I said those words, it looked like her head exploded! Not to mention her cherry red face. She said so many words really fast I could barely take it all in. Then I had this brilliant idea. "Whoa whoa whoa, I was only joking. I just wanted to test your faith." After I said that she stopped, looked up at me, cocked her head and said "you're lying." I couldn't stop there though, I had to keep it going. "What? No i'm not, my father was a pastor. I'm a religious man." She uncocked her head, smiled and said "Stop lying, most people do this thing where they look to the left when they lie. Ya you have it." I drooped my shoulders down. "Ya, okay. You caught me." Oh, I can't even tell you how mad she looked. Imagine someone so mad that it looks like there's steam coming out of her ears. I didn't understand why she was so angry, it was just a little lie. No biggy. I had to say something. "Why you so mad?" I don't think that helped one bit, because she exploded again. "Man your one emotional girl."

"Oh, i'm emotional? Try having your leg shanked with a rusty old knife, chased by zombies, then get saved by a complete idiot."

"Man, a simple word like fuck off would have done the trick." And at that she stormed off. Not like off of a movie either, like when the chick does one of those head twist things and makes those annoyed noises. Instead she scoffed and walked off. That is like the stupidest thing to do in the apocalypse because come on, there's freakin' zombies everywhere. Not to mention she still has that old pocket knife literally sticking out the side of her leg. Even though I don't have very much experience with girls, I think I know when someone needs their space. Of course I didn't just let her go, I mean she's not my prisoner or anything but she's the first alive person i've seen in days. So I followed her.

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