Freakin Steve, again?

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 This is day 275, which you probably already did the math. Since day 23 I've always slept in a tree. It just makes my beauty sleep so much more peaceful. I was sleeping wonderfully when I heard the weekly weird guy Steve run under my tree and said "they've learned to climb, they've learned to climb!" And of course at first I didn't believe him because he's always blurting out lies. My favorite on is when he comes screaming about this safe place, I mean there's no safe place but it's amazing to dream about. He's done this weekly for about 103 days now, I mean enoughs enough! Every time he does this, it attracts the diseased. Then the locals in this town depend on me to shoot them all. After thinking about what to say to him, I just winged it and shouted "Shut it dude!"

"No, it's true it's true! Look below you." he said while he wiggled in discussed.

I untied my rope, packed up my things and began climbing up the tree away from the diseased, monstrous, use to be human. Besides the stupid zombie following me up the tree, I looked up to the sky to try and figure out what time it was. I guessed it was probably about 10 in the morning. As I was hopping to the other tree, I remembered the question I was going to ask him 2 weeks ago. "Hey, Steve" I shouted at him and about fell from the tree. As he was turning he said "What is it kid" very disgustedly. Man that kinda made me feel weird inside, everyone I meet loves me. As I pulled myself together I responded "Why is it the bities don't ignore you?" Right as I said that he turned to me weirdly like my dad use to do when I mentioned something secretly important. "Ahhh, have I hit a soft spot of that crazy life of yours there Stevey." I could see his face getting redder and redder. While I was talking to Steve. I completely forgot about Mr. Bity over here, and he just about grabbed me. Thankfully I have recently developed quick reflexes, and I pulled out my Glock 17 and shot him right in the noggin. All in three seconds, no need to applaud. I quickly jumped the rest of the way down the tree. I rushed over to Steve, put my arm around him and said "here let's have a talk, walk with me deary." He quickly but softly took my hand and pushed it away. "I will not tell you anything." I'm pretty sure he regretted saying that because he just sparked my interest. "Tell me your ways man, I need to get out of here." he looked at me weirdly, slowly looked from my eyes to my toes and said "Meet me at my bungalow at sundown" I was stoked, the rest of the day all I did was hide out and think about what he's gonna tell me tonight. Sundown was just an hour away when a herd of the disease went through town. There was to many of them and I couldn't kill all of them before they reached the town. Most of the people left in town were turned, and that's when I remembered Steve. It didn't take long to get to his ugly bright green bungalow. But it didn't take the bitten long either, there was so many. I decided to stay hidden and get to higher ground and kill most of them off there. Steve may be crazy, but he can handle himself, he probably killed about fifteen of them with only nine bullets. I killed three of them and I had a way better chance of hitting them then him. They were all dead around his house, I went down and helped him go around town to gather the bodies to burn them. It only took two hours, then we sat down to chat.

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