Remember, Don't Ever Sleep In

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Yup, I definitely struck Raven's attention.

"Well, are you gonna say your proposition or not?" It was still pretty hard to concentrate because she still had a knife hanging out of her leg.

"Um, yes i'll give it as soon as we get that out of you." And just like that Zeke let go of her, looked down and said in a disgusted tone. "Ew, why haven't you guys taken care of that?" Raven being Raven, I was waiting for her to say a mean comment.

"Ya, your right. Do you think you can help me?"

"I would, but this really isn't my type of thing. So, I'm gonna let Maxy over there help you."

"And what, you think this is his type of thing?" Even though I would've loved watching things get worse between them, I wasn't gonna let them say things about me that obviously they don't know.

"Actually, I know a lot about this kind of stuff. I just find it very disturbing." Of course I cried wolf too many times so she didn't believe me. So instead of helping her, I watched num nuts try and figure out how to pull the knife out of her leg the right way so he wouldn't let her bleed out. We sat there for five minutes waiting for him to figure out how to pull it out. Finally he wrapped his hands around the blade, he wasn't being gentle about it either because Ravens face scrunched up and she said the words i've been waiting for- "Stop! For God's sake just freaking stop!" He let go quickly and got up from his chair, and just stood there looking at her with confusion. She turned away from him and looked over at me.

"Do you really know how to do this type of thing?"

"Ya, I do. Believe it or not my dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse." After saying that, I got up and slowly sat down. Before I even began to move my hand near the blade I looked up at her waiting for a simple gesture from her that stated she was ready. Our eyes locked and she gave the slightest nod, I moved my hand in slow, Grabbed the blade gently but made sure I had a good grip and pulled. Once it was out I grabbed for the roll of toilet paper I found earlier in the campers bathroom. I used it to clean up some of the blood, then I put some in the wound pulled the skin around it and asked Zeke to get into my bag and try and find the needle and string Steve packed me. Once he found it I asked him for some of his water.

"Um, definitely not. Her wound, her water." I reached over grabbed my metal water bottle and only poured a little water to clean the needle. Raven knocked out when I was sewing her wound up, so after we decided we would barricade the door and sleep for the night.

I was having the perfect dream, I was with my family again around easter time so my whole family was around at my parents house. But then Zeke dropped a chair on the floor taking down all the things we used to block the door.

"Do you think that woke him?" So of course after hearing that I pretended I didn't wake up. Raven looked at me closely and responded, "No it doesn't look like it. But can't we wait to bail after he tells us the proposition?"

"Are you kidding? No! It's now or never." That's when I decided to step in to see what kind of lie they were gonna tell me.

"Whats now or never?" Raven basically jumped at the sound of my voice.

"What was that Max." Huh, I thought she'd say something on the lines of oh it's nothing, but we're gonna go outside for some air. But you go ahead and go back to sleep.

"Oh sorry, I said what's now or never. Because to me that sounds like you two were going to leave me while I was still sleeping. After technically speaking I just saved your life." I knew Raven hated lying and right now she couldn't think of anything to say, so I took initiative.

"What, cat got your tongue?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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