39th letter

25 2 0

Dear Lauren,

Guess what? No not chicken butt babe. I'm actually outside for the first time in a while. I went out for a walk but I ended up exploring and now I'm at a park. It's currently 11:38 pm right now. I don't have my phone and I don't feel safe going back home alone. The monsters are going to get me. Remember when we used to joke around about monsters? I would get really scared after a horror movie and I was afraid that something was going to come get me at night. Okay I'm not going to talk about that right now. I can't think of you 24/7 if I want to get over you.

      Right now I'm actually thinking about life, like what would happen to us in the after life? Will we really go to heaven or hell? Will we take the form of something else? Or what if we really aren't humans? For example what if we are really something else and we are using a v.r. to see life as a human?  Are we really sure about everything that is in our life right now? Is it possible to even be 100% happy? How come people don't truly love themselves? How come at the end we all die?

      There's just so many questions and not enough time to answer them all. I don't know. I'm thinking about so much more but my hand hurts because I was trying to write as fast as I can. I need to get home before it's too late. Hopefully I get back home safe. And I'll just stop at a post office on the back so I can mail this letter. I love you.

Camila C.

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