33rd letter

35 4 0

Dear Lauren,

      I threw them up. I was crying and panicking and my first instinct was to throw them up. My mom walked in on me and I cried then I told her what happened. She called my dad and told him to call 911. I kept telling her it was okay and I should just sleep it off but they just ignored me and  am ambulance came to our house five minutes later. They kept asking me what I took and I just didn't respond. I don't know what happened afterwords I just blacked out I guess. I'm at the hospital right now tho. The doctors wanted to keep me here for another day just in case I tried doing anything else to myself. Honestly I don't know if I would do anything else to myself. My mom wants to send me to rehab but I don't want to go. Should I go? I don't know. I'll write to you later maybe I'm really tired right now.

Camila C.

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