Life Update Pt.2

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"It's a really private matter, I shan't discuss it." I looked at the girl,"Tell me about you." Her face started to redden,"You want to know about me? Um my name Is Somi and I'm 12." "Okay Somi, anything else." "My parents are divorced I live with my mom." "Is that hard?" The girl was in disbelief that a celebrity was asking about her life,"Yeah but it's better than having to hear bickering all the time." I looked at Somi she looked pretty exotic,"Do you mind if I ask you, are you mixed?"
Tiffany's POV
I rushed over to Soo's house in a heartbeat. I pulled up to her driveway and ran up to her door an unlocked it,"Soo," I heard quiet sniffles,"Hannah? Sooyoung?" "Yes." The voice said,"I'm deeply concerned that she's gonna fall back into some dark place again. She's acting out." "I know. But we have to be patient remember. And since it has gotten to the point where's she's doing strange things she has to go back to therapy." "Right. Now let's go find her.
I like Somi she seems so nice. "Can I have your number I'd love to talk to you more. I nodded with my best smile. "My number is 82-244-2957." "Okay I'll text you, I have to go my mom says dinner is ready." I waved as she said goodbye and watched her slowly fade away. At this point it sank in that what I did was idiotic and I would be in trouble,or even worse therapy. "Lemme try the swings." I pushed slowly back and forth. I shouldn't be sad I made this happen I should've just said what was bothering me. I started to make small crying sounds as i thought about how much of a mess it was. "Hey come inside where it's warm we need to talk." I didn't look up,"It's just me your sissy." I turned away,"Are you gonna act this way with me too," I shrugged, your kinda the reason why I'm upset and annoyed. "Come let's go to Dinero's." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the car.
At Dinero's
"Do you like your lunch?" I nodded. "You remember we came here to talk right." "Yes." I said quietly. "Look at me please," I looked at my hands."I don't want to go to therapy again." "That isn't decided." "I'll tell you why I'm upset now, because what I did was stupid and overreacting, i don't even know why I did it." "It's good that you understand that." "I was upset because Sooyoung told me that you're gonna be very busy for the next two years. I was sad because I stayed to be with you and I barely see you these days, so I was like should I go then. But you already yelled at daddy and stuff so I don't kno-" She held my hand. "That's really how you feel?" I moved my hair from my face,"I guess it's more of a worry then a extremely strong feeling." "I'll try my hardest to see you a lot ok. I don't want you to go back to Cali that's not a good place for you-" "I don't mean to be selfish. You have to do work, it's just that I miss you." This convo is never like one we've had before.
Tiffany's POV
I never knew that's how she felt. She must be so lonely. "I have an idea, I'll buy you this notebook and you can write to me when ever and send it to me and I'll send it back to you when I write back." She smiled,"Can I um choose the book." "Of course." "And stop slurping your pasta." All she did was laugh. "Now we have to go talk to Sooyoung, she was very sad with you running away."
"I'm sorry I made you cry." I said sitting in the newly furnished living room,"it's okay I'm just happy that you said what happened. You still kept the promise." "And a new promise should be no running away." Steph said. I nodded,"Just so you know I'm holding on to your phone for a while longer. What happened was no joke." I nodded,"May I go to the park," "But were still talking to you," "Please? I really have something to do there. "Sure but what work-" "I'll explain later I'm late."
This gut feeling to me yo go to the park and it was right,"Somi, are you okay?" She kept on sniffing,"I-I don't know." We barely even know each other but I desperately wanted to help her idc what people say. "Just tell me I won't tell anyone." "My parents, t-they were fighting over me and my sister. When they were switching custody they were complaining about how they can't spend time with me or something and they said oh choose who you want to be with and I don't want to choose," She looked like she needed a hug. "Come and hug me Somi, you really need one." I gave her the biggest embrace ever,"You don't have to choose it's pressuring u too much." "This is something they should work out and tell them that. They shouldn't be having arguments around you anyways." "True, I tried to call you I couldn't get you." "Oh sorry it was taken away, but we can just meet up until I get it back how-" She smiled,"Yes that's great and about that question you asked me, yes I am mixed." "With what?" "Korean and English." "That's cool." "Yah, sometimes." I looked at my watch for a bit,"I have to go, I'm so sorry." I said hugging her goodbye,"It's okay bye."
As I walked up to the house I saw Sooyoung getting ready to pull out but she stopped in time and I was able to get in."You were at the park for a long time," "Sorry about that I was talking to someone, my friend." I looked in the mirror and could see the reflection of her furred eyebrows."What friend? Is this friend a boy or a girl? What were you guys talking about?" "I dunno if I should say, I think it should be kept private." "Okay," The car stopped,"Is it a girl or a boy though, I feel like it's a boy because you were out for so long hmm?" She made a slight giggle. I'm not ready for that.. I still feel the scars.. they are nearly done healing though. "It's a girl, only reason I was out so long is because she was sad and I feel less lonely with her." "I'm just glad that you have someone to talk to really." "It's fine by me if you want to meet you friend at the park. You should invite her for dinner." "Okay." "Ahh yes we're finally here let's go pick up Mori and Suri."
"You should go check you room, you sister left something in there for you." I nodded,"Come Mori." I went upstairs quickly and plopped in my bed,"oh she left the book and the note." The note said,"I hope you enjoyed yourself at the park. It looked to me that when you left some thing bad happened? I could be wrong, but anyways if you wanna tell me something write it here everything in this is confidential, and no one else knows, well except for the girls you know how they are. Luv you,Ppani." I smiled and turned off the lights. I stared at the ceiling thinking about tomorrow. I wonder what I'm doing tomorrow anyways. Mori sat on my bed and did his job of protecting me. I so sleeppyyy.
I threw my hand over as I tried to turn of my alarm. A piece of paper was on top of the button. Seriously. I pulled it off and read it, I thought it would make sense that I put it over your alarm, anyways I have work your usual babysitter is here she's gonna drop you off to the dorm at like 6 and you'll stay with Sunny for the meanwhile. Also clean you room then call me so I can tell you where your phone is.
:). "Okay I guess." I walked downstairs like some sort of a zombie from a movie. "Good morning Hannah. Are you okay?" "Good Morning Nadi, I'm just tired." "Here's your breakfast. What do you want to do today?" I looked down at my fish and rice,"Can we make cookies please? I haven't made them in years." She smiled,"Sure, but after we go to the mall." "Why do we have to go to the mall?" I said with a mouth full of rice,"Well, um Sooyoung told me to take you there to go pick up some clothes for you. I can't say more." I was confused but hey at least I get clothes I guess. "Okay. I'm gonna go upstairs to change." She nodded. I tip toed upstairs and put on some jeans and a shirt. "I guess I have to start cleaning." I mumbled. I tidied up my desk and put my clothes in the hamper to be washed. I took my broom and swept to top it all off. I frowned afterwards and went to get a house phone. She picked up on the first ring,"Yah, you finished cleaning?" "Yes." "Your phone is in my drawer you just have to get the key." Sooyoung?" "Yeah, what's up?" "Why do I have to go to the mall," "Can't exactly tell you." "Why?" "Because." "Why?" I said laughing,"Hannah I have to go. I'll explain when I can."

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