Are You Kidding??

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"Hi." The person said. "You're so pretty." I wobbled around uncontrollably while smiling. "Thank You." I said. "Your sister invited me." Jessica said. I sat down. "I thought that you guys couldn't talk?" I asked. Jessica slurped her noodles. "Don't believe everything you hear, we hang out all the time!!!" "Yup." Taeyeon said. "Party Time!" she continued to say. That caused a reaction from my sister and Jessica. "Hey, no fair."
Stephanie's POV
"What does that mean?" Hannah asked. We all chuckled. Grown-up time HannaBanana. That's exactly what it means. "Nothing. I assure you that you're missing out on nothing." "And why do you guys have stuff to drink and I dont." Me, Tae, and Jessi exchanged stares. She's onto us!! I sipped on my wine very loudly. That made Hannah laugh her head off. "It's adult juice." She knew what I meant. "I can't wait until I'm an adult." Hannah said chuckling. We all laughed together.
We all sat outside looking at the stars. "Guys-" my sister said. "How do people make shapes out of stars? Like, sometimes I can see it, but I don't know how to play it out properly." I looked up. "Put it this way." I started off. "Pretend that there's lines connecting the stars. When you've finished doing that look closely and you'll see something. Try it." "Hmm. Look, it's a parallelogram." I smiled. "So Hannah, what do you think about middle school? Any crushes?" said Jessi. Oops I forgot to tell her that this is an uncomfortable subject for her!...
Hannah's POV
Uhhhh. How do I answer. I dont really like talking about guys ever since that incident. I thought. I smiled and said,"It's a bit of a secret. Just between me and my girls, Ya' know?." I started to look down. Then up again. "I'm tired." I said with a fake yawn. "I guess it's bedtime for me..." I pretty much left after that. I sat on my bed and got my color pencils. I started to draw in my adult coloring book. I am such a weirdo. I always do this to myself. I laid down and shut off the lamp. Night I guess.
Stephanie's POV
I knew that Hannah wasn't tired. She just hated the subject. Especially since she was recovering very well. Even the therapist said so when I took Hannah there.

*Flashback* "Good." Mrs. Park said. "Have you been having any bad dreams about it lately?" "Well, only one. It was about them ganging up on me and doing bad things. The rest were happy dreams. I like those." "That's really great. You've been improving very much. Do you know why?" Hannah made a thinking face. "I took a nap last week and something told me to be happy. And Taeyeon gave me a coloring book so I can draw to feel better." "She loves it." I said. "We can't get her to stop." I had to chuckle. *End of Flashback*

"She didn't look very tired to me." Jessi said. "She isnt used to me yet I guess." She said with a pout. Tae assured her. "It isn't you. She's having a hard time feeling her normal self after something happened. She'll get better soon." "Sorry I didn't tell you before." I said. "I could've prevented it. But I just wanted her to not have to think about it. It was hurting her enough already." Jessica smiled. "It's okay. I understand you can tell me when the time is right." We all did a group hug.

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