I Got Here First!!!

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I ran as fast as I could. I beat everyone to Tiffany's room. "HAHAHAHAHHA." I shouted. You should be proud of yourself SoonKyu. You should be really proud! I knocked on her door. "Hello?" Hannah said. In my cute voice I said, "You can come downstairs now." I opened the door and ran with her on my back. "Close your eyes." "I'll try." "You better!" She did, I made sure of it.
Hannah's POV
My eyes were closed like Sunny asked. "It smells wonderful." Sunny set me down carefully and covered my eyes. "SURPRISE." Everyone said. Sunny removed her hands. The pool was to the right of me. There was this big table with food and a birthday cake. "Why the cake? It's not even my birthday." I said with laughter. "We thought that since we missed your real birthday we thought it'd be nice to celebrate it now. Cool right." Sooyoung said. "Yeah. It's July 8. My birthday was a month ago. Thank you everyone." I went to go hug everyone.
"Happy Birthday To you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Hannah. Happy birthday to you." Everyone said. "Make your wish." Tiffany said. I know exactly what I want. I thought. I squeezed my eyes together as hard as I could and blew out my candles. "What did you wish for?" They said. I made a big smile. "You'll see eventually." Hyoyeon rustled my hair. After the cake I ate hot-dogs. It was so good. "You have to try the beef." Yuri said. "It's even better because I made it." She looked really proud of herself. "I was going to eat it, I was just thinking about having a hotdog first." Yuri eyed me suspiciously, "I believe you. I truly do." So I ate a piece of beef. "I prefer your beef over my Dads, that says something." That made Yuri smile.
Stephanie's POV
I heard Hannah make that comment. That was really nice. But me and Dad are not on talking terms. It's sad that she has to go home soon. I want her to stay here with me. I've just gotten so used to it."So," Seohyun said. "We have a performance coming up. Manager oppa told me to tell you." "We do?" I said. I looked over at Hannah. She waved back to me. I causally smiled. "What are we gonna do about-" I felt Hannah next to me. "Look they're have a chicken fight. It's so funny." "It is funny. I'll be there in a second, Kay?" She nodded. "So yeah what are we gonna do about Hannah?" "Manager oppa said it's okay for her to come. You can show her to the audience after the show as a surprise." I thought. "I'll talk to her about that."
"It's getting late." Tae said. "Everyone has places to go tomorrow and it's Hannah's bedtime." "No it isn't." Hannah said. "I think it is," Sooyoung said. "You're falling asleep on yourself." "No." she said. She put her head into my lap. "I think you should go to bed." "I'm not tired. I just wanna put my head down." She fell asleep. "So about the performance." "It's for Lion Heart." Hyoyeon said. "We've done that a million times though." "But every one loves that song." Sunny said. "Give the fans what they want." She continued. "Everyone is ready for our comeback. But this'll keep them quiet for now." "Yeah." Seo said, "We've got a lot of work coming up, we need to keep them settled or when we comeback NO ONE will be in the audience." We all nodded in agreement. "I'm going to put Hannah to bed, Good night everyone." "Night." They said.

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