Chapter 8

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I sat on my bed. Why did I say that? Now it's even more obvious that something's wrong with me. Nooooo.. I don't want to cause any worry I just wanna be normal. Just normal, I thought. Tae and Tiff walked in. Then quietly sat on the bed. I turned to face away from them. "Are you embarrassed?" Stephanie said. I nodded yes. "Don't be." Tae said. "I should be. I almost spilled my biggest secret. And I wanted to talk to you guys about it. But when I was there I just felt too comfortable and it almost came out." My sister embraced me. "What are the boys doing to you? Are they bullying you?" Tears started to well up in my eyes. I started to cry. "No. Its nothing near that." I muttered quietly. "Do you guys want privacy?" Tae asked. Tiff nodded. "I'll call you in after. Han said it's okay." She left and closed the door. "Are those boys hurting you?" I screamed loudly. I left the room, basically dashing. I ran into the bathroom to hide. "It isn't good to run from your problems. If you tell me it'll never happen to you again. You aren't the only one. It's probably happening to the other girls too." I opened the door. We went back into my room. We closed the door. "When did it start?" I answered as quick as I can. "End of sixth grade." What did they do?" I don't like this question very much. "They were messing with me and my body. Playful at first, then their hands became rough and not so nice. I hate the fact that they took advantage of me. It was during lunch. My friends realized and told them to quit it. Still happened though." "Why didn't you tell-" "We promised not to. We thought it was fine. Normal, even. But it isn't." She nodded. "Exactly. It's not normal. Nobody should ever do that.-" She paused. "I think Daddy should know." I wasn't happy to hear that.Then we heard knocking."Can I come in. I'm clueless." Taeyeon said. "Yes." I said. She came in and sat crisscrossed. Fany told her everything her ear. "Oh!" She said in shock. "I see. Are you hurt Hannah?" "Im okay. I just wanna..." They looked concerned. "I'm just tired. Can I sleep with you guys?" I blurted out suddenly.
I was laying down on the bed. "We still need to finish talking. But I want you to have a clear mindset." My sister said. "So sleep my darling." They patted me. "Me and Tiffany have to talk about what we should do about it." "Okay." I said with closed eyes. I heard, "Good Night." The light switch and their sweet voices talking while rubbing my forehead to rid me of the nightmares.

A/N: Juicy? Did her secret surprise you? What will happen next?

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