Momo Teddy

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She's blue. And a Bunny. Tiffany gave me it, she said,"It can be a source of comfort. Think of it." She then paused. "I know it's hard, but I'm so proud of you. Don't ever forget that." She went to get something after that. It's been really hard these days.
Stephanie's POV
I've got to tell Dad. I'm not in America and I can't really do anything about it. All I know is that solving this "issue" will be a group effort. "Goodness." I said. "She'll never forgive me if I do this." I said to Taeyeon. "Maybe-" She replied. "But it's the right thing. If you don't call it'll go on and he won't notice. She might be driven too far.." "Over the edge." I said finishing her sentence. Tae stopped  drawing to watch me. "It's for the best." She said while rubbing my shoulder. So with that said I dialed the number. He picked up on the second ring."Hello Stephanie,-" "Is there some good sisterly bonding going on?" "Yes-" I said. "But I got some bad news. I want you to sit down."
"What? This isn't true!! She's fine!" He shouted. "No she isn't. She's experiencing EMOTIONAL TRAUMA due to this!!!! How Dare you!! I've seen it with my own two EYES. She expressed it to me! In full blown tears! SHE NEVER TOLD YOU BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO SIT AND LISTEN. AND BECAUSE OF THAT IT GOT WORSE. SHE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TELL YOU ANYTHING. WHAT KIND OF A FATHER ARE YOU????" After that I hung up. I was infuriated. How dare he? Taeyeon looked shocked. I broke down into tears.

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