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yoongi walked inside, past the long
line of coffee lovers and went
up to one of the many staff members.

it used to be only jimin and i...

"excuse me"


"may i see your boss please?"

"oh yes... he's upstairs, but he's b–"

"thank you very much"

yoongi cuts off the kind waiter
and hurriedly walks up, even after
seeing the off limits sign he still
continues and walks past the gate.


yoongi was quick to retreat when
he had seen the setting of jimin holding
a child by the pits, smiling gleefully
at the infant. while a women of age
sat by him on a chair, staring at the two
lovingly. the baby was giggling, which
meant it was already a few months with
developed vocal chords. but even
though he had quickly left at a heartbreaking
sight, the lady had seen him and she
was quite shaken up.

"holy mother of jesus... i thought i
saw a ghost for a second"

"a ghost?"

the now, hazelnut brown haired boy
asks and turns around towards the stairs
where the woman was pointing.

"where? and what did it look like?"

"it was a he. and he was a customer.
his skin was ridiculously white. luckily
i saw his blue bomber jacket
because then i would've thought it
was truly a ghost. it was the exact same
bomber jacket you had. your favourite one"

she giggles. jimin lowers the baby
who was now quiet and staring at
the older male's face. he then rests the baby
on the mother's lap and walks away
from them.

"be right back"

short termed : jimin & yoongiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum