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"ok so do you understand
what you have to do?"

"uh... write in what my
day was about into the book?"

"yep. and every
monday you...?"

"open up the book
and reread the week
or everything again"



"start recording
your day!"

"but it's only three.
i haven't done much
but talk to you and
drink coffee"

"well, that's what you did,
so write it into more detail"

yoongi sighs and shakes his head,
probably arguing with his conscience
about thinking that this diary thing
was stupid. and the other side of him
saying just try it.
nothing bad can happen so why not?

plus it was a chance for him
to get close to the cute coffee guy.

short termed : jimin & yoongiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon