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yoongi rips the man's hand off
of jimin's backside.

"we don't provide prostitution here.
go somewhere else old man"


jimin says, shocked to hear his
choice of wording towards a customer.

"that is no way to speak to a customer!"

"w–what? did you notice
what he just did to you?
he literally just molested
you in front of everyone!"

yoongi says confused.

"but he is still a customer.
our customers are priority.
please apologise"

"you heard your boss prick. apologise"

"like i'll ever apologise to
your fat face and disgusting
thoughts. go to hell you rapist"

the man stands up spilling his
coffee with his large stomach.

"manager i best recommend you to
choose your employees wisely"

he shoves yoongi aside while
jimin dodged away from his presence.

"jimin stand up for yourself for once.
you're too fucking nice"

short termed : jimin & yoongiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora