Capture the flag... and a Hydradalek?

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After dinner I caught up with Percy, Annabeth and Connor who were going over the plan one last time. "-and then Percy, you need to make a water wall to stop them from getting the flag." Percy smiled and waved as I came closer. Annabeth looked over and said "Good, now we can get to your part May. Your gonna stay behind with Percy and guard the flag. Half way through Percy and Connor are going to switch places so Percy can go hunt the other teams flag. Ok?"

I nodded my head in approval. When we reach with the rest of the group Annabeth explained again, them the game started. After everyone had gone into the woods Percy put up the water wall that blocked all people from getting in. "Whoa!" I muttered watching the wall grow higher. Percy opened his eyes and gazed up at the wall. "Oh here May." Percy said handing me a bow and arrow. "Uh, this is ironic, but I'm not good with a bow and arrow." I told him.

"Ok." He said and lay the bow down on the ground far away. I stared at the banner that had an owl that stood out against the red background. Before I knew it Connor had showed up and Percy had taken down the wall. Percy put the wall back up, but warned that after he got far enough away, it would come crashing down.

"Hey." Connor said smiling and walked up to me. He was right next to me and I sighed. I grabbed his hand as he was trying to get the tens dollars out of my pocket. "Look I'm happy you're getting money so you can actually pay for something, but I don't think I'm the person you're going to get that money from." I say as I grab the ten dollars put of his hand.

He blinked and said "Wow, no one has ever caught me before." I smiled and said "Well Connor, there's a first time for everything." Suddenly he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Well, I guess I have to check to see if you have anything else on you. He swung me down so my head was towards the ground and started shaking me. "C'mon Connor, put me down." I said.

I looked down and was surprised to see how much had fallen out of my pockets. Down on the forest floor was the ten dollar bill, a few quarters and a receipt. Nothing I couldn't live without. The last thing that dropped down to the ground made me say "Connor put me down NOW!" He walked over and sat me down on a rock. Before I could say anything Connor ran back to where he had shaken me and picked up everything.

He put the money in his pockets, which wasn't what made me mad. What made me mad was seeing him look at the locket I hadn't shown anyone. I stomped over and pulled the locket out of his hands. I remembered exactly what was inside of it. There was a picture of my mom, dad and I together when I was a baby. On the other side was a more recent picture of me and Ray. It was a double sided locket so on the other side I had a picture of Percy. The last one was the one that made me cringe.

It was a picture I has gotten back from my school from prom. It was the first kiss I had ever had. Ray and I had been slow dancing... I was  pulled out of my thoughts when Connor stepped protectively in front of me. He had his sword out, which I had a bad feeling wouldn't help. I looked over his shoulder to see the weirdest thing I had ever seen. (And I had seen some pretty weird stuff.)

It was a five headed monster that looked like a hydra. But it's body was that of a Daleks. What should I call that? a dalehydra? Mabey a hydradalek yea. Ok think May, how can we defeat this. Maybe try being civil? No, that ever works with Daleks, and I'm pretty sure not with hydras either. "May will be EXTERMINATED." I heard the hydradalek yell. "Can't think of how many times I've heard that before." I mutter.

I saw a glitter on the forest floor in the corner of my eye. I looked over and it was the bow and arrow Percy had thrown. I got a good (stupid) idea. I put myself on the tips of my toes and whispered to Connor "Distract it, I have a plan." He nodded. I moved back into the crowd that was starting to form. Connor distracted the thing pretty well. He ran around waving his sword in the air.

It kept its eyes on Connor and when Connor had it turned around enough I ran to the bow and arrows. I know the one time I had practiced here it hadn't gone too well, but I'm a daughter of Artemis, I have to at least try to be good with a bow and arrow. I knocked the first arrow. I steadied it on the target and let it fly. I had been aiming for the head but it landed in the neck.

It still made a pretty lethal bow. Somehow it hadn't noticed and still had its eyes on Connor. I knocked another bow and aimed at the Dalek body. If I could aim just right I could get in between the panels of his outer skin and find his Achilles heel. I found my target and it felt like time slowed. I let the arrow fly and watched as it satisfyingly met its target. The Dalek malfunctioned and came to a hault.

The Hydra heads stopped wiggling and burst into dust. I stumbled back, shocked at what just happened. If people weren't staring at me when I "came back from the dead", they were now. I thought. I looked over at Connor and immediately felt guilt. He was standing there staring at me and breathing heavily. His clothes were burned and he had scratches and ash all over him. I looked at the crowd and saw most of the people staring at me in disbelief. 

I ran out of the arena, not looking back again. I heard footsteps following me but I didn't turn, I just ran. I ran straight for my cabin. I ran in and locked the door, not wanting to face whoever had followed me.


As I ran up to the house with Percy, Annabeth and Leo I heard an unsatisfying click, that told me she had locked the door. I knocked on the door, trying to get her to open it. "Go away." I heard her muffled voice through the door. "Cmon May, open up!" I said. Percy, Annabeth and Leo had just caught up and were standing behind me in the grass. I heard a small sob coming from behind the door. "AHH." I heard her yelp.

My eyes widened and I pressed my ear to the door. "Who are you?" I heard her ask. No answer. "And what are you doing here?" Again, no answer. "Oh, so she sent you, cause that makes perfect sense." Silence. "No, I don't care if their at my door, I don't want to see them. They should get the hint sooner or later." Again, more silence. I turned around and looked at them. "I think she's going crazy, she's talking to nothing."

Before they could ask anything I heard a sob and pushed my ear to the door again. " W-why do I-I always hurt the o-ones I l-love?" She asked sobbing again. My heart broke into two pieces when she said that. "F-first it was m-my dad, t-then Ray and n-now Connor." She said. "What's wrong?" Leo asked when he saw my face. All of a sudden the door opened and I almost fell into her May's room.

Luckily she caught me and smiled. Her eyes were red from crying, but I didn't say anything. I steadied myself again and heard a "woof." I looked down to see a wolf at Mays feet. "Whoa." Percy said and backed up. May just looked up at me and said "Connor, I'm sorry. Im sorry to all of you." she gestured to everyone behind me. This was the first time I saw the backpack slung across her back, and a small jacket over her blouse.

"Hey, your not leaving are you?" Leo asked. Her expression looked like her heart was broken in two. "Of course not, I was going to go swim in the sound a little. I brought this cause it has my towel and other things in it." she said. "Can I come?" Percy asked. "I'd rather you not, I just need to clear my head. Maybe tomorrow or something." she smiled. Percy nodded his head. "Well I better get going." may said as she closed her door behind her.

She hugged all of us and said "see ya tomorrow!" and she sprinted away from us. 


I hated lying to all my friends, especially Percy, but I knew I would just keep attracting monsters or other things like the Hydradalek if I didn't leave. My plan was to sit at the each for a while, then sneak into all their cabins and give them each a note I had written for them. I lay down and look at the stars. I watch as the stars glimmer while I search for constellations. I checked my watch and it was already 12:00. Wow, time went by fast. I thought as I got up and brushed the sand off myself.

I walk to the Hermes cabin and slide the letter through the crack under the door. I put Connors name on it so he would know it was for him. Next I went to the Athena cabin and did the same thing. Next was Hephaestus and lastly was Poseidon. I sighed as I made my way away from the cabins and up the hill to Thalia's tree. When I finally had trudged my way up the hill I took my final glace at Camp Half-blood and walked past the borders.

Ok guys, I ended it here cause I thought this would be a good stopping point. Next chapter will be in Mays, Annabeths, Percys, Leos and Connors Pov so you can see what all of them are doing and see what exactly was in those letters. Hope you enjoyed! Vote, Comment and Follow! ;)

May's Hectic Life*Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, Supernatural crossover* #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now