And that's why I hate clothes shopping

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Just to set this straight, the picture on the cover is Blake Lively, and she is the person's who I see as May.


I had warned Tyson about being careful with May because of her bruises.I watched as she patted him on the shoulder and told him she was his friend. All of a sudden she went pale and used the edge of the cot to steady her. "Chiron May's not looking too good!" I yell. As she slumps down I catch he and gently lay her back on the cot.

Poor May, she had been through so much in just the past week. Chiron came trotting in..... (I just spare  you guys A LOT of medical stuff... your welcome)

*spongebob voice* 30 MINUTES LATER

In the mean time that Chiron was helping May I noticed Connor dragging in Travis. He had a bow and arrow sticking out of his arm. There was blood making a pile of drops on the ground. I cleared my throat and said "Chiron, I think you have a patient that needs more help than May right mow." I said and pointed towards Connor.

Chiron quickly has Travis on a cot and was healing him. Connor glanced over at me and looked down at May. "What happened?" He asked, seeming genuinely concerned. "We actually don't know, she just passed out." I told him as I grabbed hold of May's hand. "Are you two somehow related or something?" He asked me puzzled.

"We might as well be, we've been friends since 5th grade." I told him. "Oh." He said and turned back to Travis who was whimpering in pain. "SSSSHHHH" I heard May (I guess) say and turn over. She opened her eyes a little and jerked upright. She ran a hand through her blond hair and looked at Connor. Connor was still watching Travis but quickly turned around to see May.

She leaned against the wall that was behind her cot and sighed. "What happened?" She asked. I explained and she put her head in her hands. "I'm sorry Percy, for making you have to go through all this." She said and patted my shoulder. Chiron had finished getting the arrow out of Travis' Arm and turned to us. "May you can leave, just be careful." Chiron said.

I stood up and helped May out of the bed. We walked out and I said "C'mon, we need to get you a camp t-shirt. That would probably be my worst idea ever. As we walked I filled her in on everything that went on in camp for the week she was gone. Which was pretty much nothing.

When we got there I opened the door for her and let her walk in. She looked around a little and I saw her stiffen. "Ray." I hear  her whisper. "Stupid autons." I had no idea what she was talking about, but I followed her in and close the door. "Wait, those look just like the autons that day." As.if waiting for her to say that, all the mannequins (there were 4) started to walk.

I didn't see what was so bad about moving mannequins. I mean they couldn't do anything. May ran outside and yelled "DOCTOR!" I saw the doctor Start sprinting towards us. I could have worn he left when he thought May had died. When he got there he gave May a worried look. "Autons, Ray, died..." I heard May ramble. I was scared, I had no idea what was going on and May and I were usually never scared, so this was WAY out of the ordinary.

The doctor looked at me and asked "Do you have anything that would reflect, like a mirror?" I shook my head no. Then I got an idea. The cabins weren't that far away from the shop, so maybe I could run to the Aphrodite cabin and grab a mirror. "Be right back!" I yell as I'm taking off.


For some reason ALL my memories of Ray came back, not just the one with the autons. I saw when we had first met in 6th grade. He had been trying to cheer me up because I was still sad Percy had left. Then I saw when he first asked me on a date in 8th grade. I then saw when we first met the doctor. Last but most horrible was when Ray died, and there was nothing we could do about it.

I shivered and fell down clutching my head. All those stupid memories came at once and gave me a massive headache. I felt myself being pulled up off the ground by someone. When I looked up, it was Connor with a worried look on his face. How could I have a crush on him? Ray had just died. At that moment I started to cry.

Connor picked me up bridal style and said something like "Percy,  I've got her, just meet me at the infirmary. Just go help the doctor." With that I felt myself slightly bouncing up and down in his arms. I knew that he was trying to run as fast as possible( which was actually more like a jog with having to carry me).

"Ray, autons, I hate clothes shopping." I heard myself mutter. I heard Connor laugh and say "Well that's a first." I groaned as my headache got worse. I dug my head into his chest like a pillow. I just wanted to stay like this forever. When we walked in Chiron was busy with another patient.

"What happened?" One of the nurses questioned.

*Connor* (gonna tart seeing more of his Pov!)

I told the nurse exactly what happened, that I had just walked up and saw moving mannequins. "Their called autons, stupid autons, poor Ray." I heard May correct me them start muttering about someone named Ray. "I think all she needs is some rest. Mabey carry her back to her cabin" The nurse suggested.

"Just try to keep an eye on her." I nodded and picked May back up. She's so cute. I thought. No snap out of it, from what it sounds, she already has a boyfriend. I walked out of the infirmary and almost tripped over Percy and the doctor. "What did they say?" Percy asked.

"All they said was let her rest, and keep and eye on her." I told him. "Ok, I can take her from here." Percy said extending his arms. I carefully placed her in his arms and sighed.."You guys take care of the autons?" I asked the doctor as Percy walked off.


As we walked May kept muttering about someone called Ray. I brought her up the steps of the Artemis cabin then decided against it. I brought her back to my cabin and lay her on my bottom bunk. Tyson was currently messing with some metal scraps trying to make something.

I got bored after a while and wandered over to the water fountain. I decided I would Iris message my mom. When her face showed up after I threw my drachma in I smiled. She was in the kitchen making some cookies for them. "Hey mom!" I said and she turned.

"Hey sweetie, whats wrong?" She asked. "Nothing." I said but filled her in on what was going on. A scream came from behind me and I cut the Iris message saying "SEE YA MOM!" I could tell that she was screaming Ray, and I ran up to her worriedly. What had this guy done to her?

I shook her trying to get her awake. She bolted up and breathed deeply, trying to catch her breath. She started to bawl and all I could do was sit there and comfort her. She cried on my shoulder and said "I miss Ray." I make her lay down and put her head in my lap. After a while of sobbing she finally calmed down.

"May, can I ask you something?" I asked. "What is it?" She said sniffling and looked up at me. "Who's Ray?" I saw a few more tears run down her face. "You mean who was Ray." She said. "He was my boyfriend, since 8th grade, and he died because of autons." She said seriously. Well that explains why she freaked out. I thought finally understanding.

Connor walked in and said "Capture the flag tonight!"

Ok, hope you enjoyed! Was it interesting enough? You guys gotta remember there's a lot of dramatic irony going one. If you don't know what that is, it's when the reader knows more than a certain character or characters. You guys know everything that has been in Mays flashback when all the other characters haven't. ANYWAYS vote, comment and if you really like my stories Follow! Until next time Allon-sy!

May's Hectic Life*Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, Supernatural crossover* #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now