first encounters

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Ok hello fanfiction readers. I will try to add things from all three series very often, but at the start Sam and Dean aren't really big, you will notice. Don't worry there will be more of them later in the story. Also VERY IMPORTANT!!! There will be a different doctor and companion. I haven't figured out what number doctor but his companion is named *drum roll please* May Reed. She is 18 and has been traveling with the doctor for quite some time. I will explain more about May later on during the book. I will try to get a lot of POV's in here so you can see all the different characters from the different movies/shows/books. Lastly, if there is a point of view that is not stated clearly, it is May's. I may forget so please don't get mad! Last but not least  THERE ARE SPOILER FROM THE HOUSE OF HADES! I WARNED YOU! I really hope you enjoy this. So without further ado let's start!


The beeping the TARDIS was making wasn't making what the doctor was saying any more soothing. I twirled my blonde hair in my finger and bit my lip. I hated myself for letting me get into the habit of freezing up whenever I got scared. Going everywhere with the doctor and fighting Daleks and other creatures there was no room for freezing up at a moment like this. I concentrated on what the doctor was saying. "The TARDIS is going to crash land. The GPS is going bad but right now it looks as if we're going to land in some place called camp-half blood." What the hell is camp-half blood? What kind of summer camp are these kids going to? I thought. I was holding onto the control panel for dear life now. The TARDIS was falling at an alarming rate. If the TARDIS weren't, well, The TARDIS we wouldn't even live the landing. I glanced over at the doctor. He was wearing his usual white trench coat, black shirt, black pants and black shoes. The doctor I knew liked opposites. All of a sudden I was pushed to the ground. The TARDIS shook and I heard a loud BANG. I had known we had just crashed.

The doctor helped me up and I pushed open the door. The thing that I was expecting was for there to be a bunch of kids surrounding the TARDIS. But what I didn't expect was to see all of them hold a sword or a spear or what is that a pen? One boy with Jet black hair and sea green eye held a golden pen to my throat. The doctor was still back in the TARDIS inspecting the damage on the inside of the ship. "Doctor you might want to see this!" I yelled at him. "What is it, is it Daleks? Can't those stupid things give me five seconds of peace!" He yelled getting closer to the door. I looked at the expressions of some of the kids. A couple people looked shocked, but most of the people just had a blank face as they held the spears and swords in an attack mode. I looked around a little better. Oh my God is that man half horse or am I dreaming this? The doctor walked out the door holding his sonic screwdriver ready to attack. When he saw it was a bunch of children he was a little taken back but he lowered the screwdriver to his side. "GREETINGS EARTHLINGS WE HAVE CRASH LANDED AND WE NEED TO GET OUR MACHINE FIXED. WE WILL BE OUT OF HERE WHEN WE ARE DONE!" The doctor yelled. "Do you really need to say greetings earthlings every time we land?" I whispered to him. " Hey are you trying to take my catch phrase from me May?" the doctor asked me not paying attention to where we were.

I held up my hands and said "Let's talk about that annoying catch phrase later, we have a matter to take care of right now." I said waving my hand in front of the huge crowd. "Who are you, you sure as hell don't look like demigods, and what is that, a flying Police call box?" A person said from the crowd. "Its the TARDIS, It stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space." The doctor explained nonchalantly. "And no its doesn't fly," The doctor said. "It travels through space and time." I finished for the doctor. He had explained this to all his companion, I remembered the first day I 'met' him. No not again. I thought but it was too late. I was having another flashback. The last thing I saw was the doctor seeing me and supporting me with his arms. He was used to this as this happened at least once every week.


I had been walking down the hall at my high school when a so-called teacher bust out of a room holding a is that a screw driver? I thought. He came barreling down the hall. Luckily for him their were no students here. I had after school privileges and I was one of the 10 students left at school. Suddenly I heard a loud "EXTERMINATE!" The teacher was caught up to me. He grabbed my hand and yelled RUN! (remind you of a certain episode?) I followed him trailing behind, my book bag weighting me down. We had made it to the stairs and we started running up, two stairs at a time may I add.

When we got upstairs I was out of breath. "HEY, I HAVE ASTHMA HERE!" I yelled at him while I started to wheeze. We came up to a classroom and he sat me down at a desk."Sorry about that... What's your name?" he's asked me. "May." I breathed. "Well nice to meet you May I'm the doctor, RUN*wink wink ;)* I ran out into a hallway to find a gold thing standing there. "EXTERMINATE" It yelled again. I looked down the hall. I gulped their are hundreds. In the next pod down there were tons of them crowded together. He suddenly pulled out a bomb and said(yet again) "RUN!" I sprinted down the stairs and out of the building. I ran into the cool Los Angeles afternoon. I ran away from my school and when I was only blocks away it exploded. Pieces of brick and dust settled over the area. There were people running around in a panic. I thought of all the kids and teachers who might have died. It was a small amount, and the doctor probably gave twenty lives to save thousands. When I looked around I noticed the doctor standing in front of me.

(The rest is the usual, she said "doctor who?" and he explains and so on and so on.)

*end of flashback*

"I don't know what it is, they are different almost every time." I heard the doctor explain above me. I lay on the hard ground, the doctor hovering over me as he usually did when this happens. I propped myself up on one elbow and rubbed my eye with my hand. "Ah May your awake." The doctor said. I looked around and saw that some of the people now had scared looks on their faces. When I stood back up one of the campers said "So this is a-" he never got to finish that sentence. I looked the way the rest of the people were looking to see  two men fighting a demon near a tree. I groaned knowing exactly who they were. "Seriously you chose for me to pay you back RIGHT now Sam and Dean?" I asked myself disregarding the confused looks I was getting.

I sprinted up the hill to where they stood. They had defeated the demon no problem and were waiting for me. Sam held a little bit of a confused look. (I would have been confused too. There were children holding real swords and a blue 60's Police call box was buried partly in the ground.) "Just don't ask." I told the two of them as I approached. The doctor was hot on my trails. "Who's the old man?" Dean nodded at the doctor. "The doctor, and don't say doctor who because that will get you into a whole other fighting world you don't want to be in, I think you already have enough with the one." They both nodded.

"Thing is cupcake, he can't come along." Dean said. He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me after him. " Be a minute doctor!" I yelled so the doctor wouldn't zap them then and there. " Let go of me already Dean." I said and he dropped me. " Where the hell have you been, we've been looking everywhere for you!" Dean yelled at me. "WELL SORRY. I WAS KIND OF BUSY CRASH LANDING!" I yelled at him annoyed. Him and Dean exchanged a look that said 'What the fuck(excuse the language) is she talking about?' "What do you need?" I asked crossing my arms. "We need blood." Sam answered. "Ok hand me a knife." I told him. "So your not gonna ask why we need It?" Sam asked as Dean handed me the knife. "Nope, I've learned it's better to just go along with it. With you guys being hunters I know your doing the right thing." I cut my arm and felt a little sting. They took a vial and filled it with my blood and left.

When I got back the doctor was still standing there waiting for me. I still had blood flowing down my arm from my cut. I knew that it was urgent because usually Sam and Dean were nice enough to wrap it up in gauze. The doctor eyed my arm intently. When I got close enough he grabbed it and asked "What did they do to you?"

Picture of May to the side >>>>>>>>>>

May's Hectic Life*Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, Supernatural crossover* #Wattys2014Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz