confusion and dreams

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  • Dedicated to clare

OK Im sorry about that whole thing. It will make more sense in a little while I swear! I hope you guys are enjoying so far! ( of course you are, if you weren't you wouldn't have even made it this far!) This chapter name will make more sense when you start reading. It might help you figure out whats gonna happen if your a good detective! Think about it and you might figure it out!


When Sam said he didn't know me I started to cry. He had been my only "family" (besides Dean and Percy) since I was seven. He was the one that taught me half of the things I know about fighting with daggers. "Sam you really don't remember me?" I asked. "Sorry." He answered and shrugged his shoulders. He looked around as if he was trying to process where he was. I heard a moan and looked over to see Dean sitting up. "May, I need to leave now." Castiel said. "Bye Cas." Percy and I yelled in unison. "May? Percy?" I heard Dean ask surprised to see us. "Hey Dean." Percy said as I engulfed Dean in a hug.

 "Hey May don't tell me your getting a soft side!" Dean said playfully. "Nope." I said slightly punching him in the chest. "That's my May!" He laughed and ruffled my hair. "Dean who are these people?" Sam asked as I looked over at him. "Are you being serious Sam? Its May and Percy!" Dean told him. "Who?" Sam asked.


I felt bad for her. I remembered when I lost Percy, I didn't loose him because he forgot me, but I still lost him. May lost Percy before I even knew him. I thought. That made me feel so bad. She hadn't just lost her "family" but she had also lost Percy, her best friend. At the start I had seen her as a threat, but now I just felt sorry for her. Now I knew that her life might have been as bad or worse than mine.

I never thought I would say that about anybody, definitely not a mortal. The thing I felt worst about was Percy had talked about her, how much he missed her and things like that. He would explain funny stories and thing like that but, I just disregarded them. I had thought she had left Percy's life forever. Boy was I ever wrong!


I decided right when Dean walked off to "get some fresh air" that I would do everything in my ability to help Sam get his memory back. I looked at my watch and noticed it was already 10:00. I stood up and helped Sam up on his feet. I looked around and noticed it was just us three. "I gotta get going, Im supposed to meet Annabeth at the dining pavilion." Percy said. "Ok see ya later Percy!" I waved him goodbye as he ran off. And then there were two. I thought. Dean walked back and decided that he and Sam would be leaving tomorrow.

I waved goodbye as Sam and Dean walked off. I decided I didn't want to sleep in a half-broken TARDIS so I decided to look for Percy at the dining pavilion for a tip on where to sleep. When I got there Percy and Annabeth weren't there. "humph." I sighed not wanting to go around at 10:00 at night asking people where to sleep. "Hi." A raspy voice said behind me and I jumped. I turned around to see a kid wearing a white button down shirt with suspenders, he had tennis shoes on and brown pants with a tool belt covering part of the top. He had brown hair and a goofy smile plastered on his face. "You must be May." He held out his hand, which I shook. "I'm Leo, looking for a place to stay?" "Actually yes." He led me to a bunch of cabin and said "You can stay in my cabin for tonight." He led me too a bed. "Thanks Leo." I said. I lay down and instantly fall asleep.


The TARDIS was disappearing in front of me. I saw tears running down my face. The doctor was leaving me. I was desperately trying to get in but all my attempts failed. The box disappeared and I slumped to the ground, Percy walked up to me to see what was going on. He hugged me when I told him the doctor had left me. The odd thing was a weeping Angel showed up. That wasn't the weird part. Percy had pulled away and had a smile plastered across him face. "Let the weeping Angel take you to your menacing past, relive it." With that I blinked and I went into the past. I was in chains.

Dean was fighting a demon and Sam was frantically trying to get me free. I was loosing a lot of blood, I thought I was going to die. "May stay with me C'mon May!" Sam yelled at me. His voice was intriguing and I stayed just because of his voice. I felt my body slump over and I noticed I was out of chains and I was being held by Sam. That's the last thing I remembered. I woke up in a hospital bed, by myself. It was hours before Sam and Dean had even showed. Sam hovered over me. Something happened I didn't remember.

Sam shook me and yelled " WAKE UP!" I bolted up my my forehead bumped another person. "Sorry." I muttered as I got up and walked out to ponder over my dream without even saying goodbye to Leo. I had to find Percy and figure out what that dream meant.

May's Hectic Life*Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, Supernatural crossover* #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now