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Chapter 6

My father has never been the talkative type, so I was surprised when he started up a conversation while we were still in the hallway.

"Lord Hades seems to have taken quite a liking to you." He said. "That not an easy thing to do. In fact, it's quite rare."

Heat rose to my cheeks. "He likes you, doesn't he? It must not be so hard to accomplish."

Thanatos laughed. "Lord Hades and I are close friends. We have been since creation. When King Zeus freed us from Kronos, Lord Hades knew I needed a job to occupy myself with. So, he took me in, gave me the task of guarding the walls, and we were able to keep in touch. It was an intelligent idea, on his part."

We walked up the marble staircase to the second floor of the palace. "Do you ever regret it? Accepting the job, I mean."

My father shook his head. "No. I cannot explain it that well, but there is something about making sure justice is carried out."

"Justice?" I questioned. "How does your job include justice?"

He paused in front of the library door, his dark hand resting on the handle. "Think of it this way; if you and I were to die, and were dealt the same arrangements for the rest of eternity, how fair would it be if you snuck back out and continued on in the mortal world while I lived out my days down here?"

I knit my eyebrow together. "I see... That makes sense."

He nodded and pushed open the door. I followed him in, but then he stopped suddenly. "Do you smell that?" He asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I only smell the new books." I reported.

"Exactly. Come, my dear; we must find them." He informed me as we made our way through the shelves.

This entire library was built and supplied just for me. Lord Hades, Queen Persephone, and my father all agreed that I should remain in touch with the mortal world as best I could. They told me that this was because they did not think it wise to send me back with no knowledge on today's customs.

They also thought it would be interesting for them and fun for me to learn other languages. I had tutors- dead ones, of course- that would come in to teach me the different tongues of the world. I was currently fluent in six languages, not including english, and was in the process of learning a seventh. With nothing but time on my hands, learning them was a breeze.

My father quickly located the new books in the back of the library. A spirit that belonged to a deceased librarian was trying to communicate with my Japanese tutor on where to put the new manga. [A/N: for those unfamiliar with manga, it's basically a form of Japanese comics.]

"Pardon me," my father said. "Is there something we could help with?"

The two spirits looked up and bowed when they realized who it was.

"Lord Thanatos, Lady Crystal, it's an honor to be in your prescience." The librarian said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe we have met before." My father stated.

The librarian shook her head. "We have never spoken, no, but I know who you are. My name is Olivia; I'm the librarian."

"And you are?" My father asked.

"Oh, he doesn't speak english." I intervened. "Father, this is Yuko; my Japanese tutor."

My father nodded. "I see. Is that why you two are having a difficult time putting these items on the shelves?"

Olivia nodded. "Yes, my lord. I can not read the titles so I don't know what the authors last name is. Without this knowledge, I can't sort put them in the correct place."

"Perhaps Crystal can help with that." My father ventured. He turned to me. "Do you think you can act a a translator for these two?"

I nodded. I wanted to spend this time alone with my father, but my role as a resident in the palace called that I help these two- even if it meant taking away from my personal time.

I turned to my instructor and, after explaining what was happening, I asked him if this would be okay. After he spoke, I reported his thoughts and decision to the others.

"He says that it would be fine if I helped, and that it's an honor to be in you prescience, father."

"Thank you." He said. I translated.

For the next hour, I helped the librarian and the instructor as they arranged the manga on their proper shelves. During this time, my father walked out and pulled out many of the classics.

"What are you reading?" I asked as I approached him after the manga were properly organized. He was sitting at one of the tables, relaxed in the single chair there. His feet were casually thrown up on the table, care free. The chair he sat in was dwarfed by his size. It was built to accommodate my features, not a grown mans'.

"'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Have you read it?" He responded, not looking up from the pages.

"Yes. I have read the majority of the books in this room. The ones I have not read are very few." I informed him.

"Would that include those books- what did you call them?"

"Manga." I filled in. "They are something that the Japanese take pride in. Manga has reached corners of the globe, infecting other countries. I consider it part of their culture and so I have indulged in reading them."

"Because they are part of the culture or because they are interesting?" He questioned.


He shook his head. "What happened?" He muttered.

I stared at him. "I'm sorry?"

He closed the book and set it down on the table next to him. "Never mind, my child. Now, I wish for you to show me your favorite novels."

I smiled, trying to ignore his earlier mutter. "I assume that you think it is a small list."

My father shrugged as he stood from his chair. "I just assumed that you had one. I hadn't considered how lengthy it would be."

I giggled at his words. "Come, I will show you." I said and led him to the far wall decorated with books of all sizes, shapes, authors, and genres.

It wasn't how I imagined our visit, but it was an awesome one. I learned something about my father; he was where I got my passion for reading.

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