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Chapter 5

Upon arriving to the palace, I noticed the black chariot decorated with red poppies- one of my fathers symbols.

Polly was waiting for me at the entrance with Nylla and Hylla at her side.

They bowed as I approached them. "Is my father inside?" I inquired.

"Yes, my lady." Polly informed me. "Everyone is waiting for your arrival in the dining hall."

"Then let's not keep them waiting." I said and continued through the main hall.

I saw my father before he saw me. He was wearing his caramel colored robe with an old fashioned belt around his waist- the same one I gave to him on his last visit. The color complemented his dark skin, and made his black wings stand out. His long hair fell loose around his shoulders, but it looked tame.

I stood for a moment observing the way he acted around Lord Hades. While he may be his boss, each acted as though the other was an old friend.

"Crystal!" Lord Hades said, just now spotting me. "Come in, come in! We were just talking about you!"

I forced a smile and did as he said. "Nothing bad, I hope." I said as I approached the two gods.

"Not at all!" Lord Hades informed me. He was definitely in a better mood.

"Lord Hades was just telling me how wonderful your presence here at the palace has been." My father chimed in.

"I try to be as little a burden as possible." I explained.

"A burden?" Lord Hades repeated. "Child, you are anything but that." He turned to Thanatos. "Your daughter never talks back to me or my queen, uses her manners everywhere she goes, and my subjects all adore her. This child of yours is probably the most impressive half blood I have ever met."

My face felt warm. "Lord Hades, I am very honored to you say such a thing about me."

"And there she goes again." Hades replied, a large grin present on his face. "I wish you were my daughter, Crystal. Then I could really treat you like a princess."

My father held up a hand. "Sorry, my king, but she has been claimed."

"Of course, my friend." Hades said. "I know that, but I speak the truth."

Lady Persephone stepped into our circle. "Pardon me, but dinner is served." She said.

We all took a seat at the table, the queen and King sitting at the ends and my father sitting across from me.

"So, do tell my old friend," Hades spoke as the food appeared before us. I waited patiently for a moment longer until my meal materialized on my plate. "How is everything at the gate?"

My father but into his apple. He could eat the food of the underworld because he practically lived there anyway: since he patrolled the very border.

"Surprisingly calm." He answered. "To be honest, my king, it concerns me. It hasn't been this quiet since that fateful day." While the gods usually kept me out of the loop on many subjects, I knew what day he was referring to; the day when the giants attacked and kidnapped my father.

"Do not worry; our ancestors have been sent back into their sleep." Hades explained. "They should be of no bother to us anymore."

Thanatos nodded. "Yes, my king, but I would still like to request extra security for tonight's gathering."

Hades looked to Persephone. "What do you think, my queen? Is there need for more guards tonight? It is a celebration in your honor, after all."

Lady Persephone looked from one man to the next. "I do not feel the need for such a thing since you are correct, my king. But if only to ease Lord Thanatos' mind, I see no problem with doing so."

Hades nodded. "Always so caring." He said. "Then we shall have it."

After a moment of short silence, my father looked at me. "Crystal, you have barely touched your meal." He noted.

I looked at my food- a piece of cooked chicken, corn, and slice of chocolate cake. "I'm just not that hungry." I explained.

"Did she do this at breakfast?" Thanatos asked Hades.

He nodded grimly. "She always does this, only eating a real meal at dinner- and only if we are lucky."

"My dear, you mustn't do such a thing. If you do not eat then you will surely waste away." My father said, his face tense with concern.

"I know, but..." I faltered.

"What is it, Crystal?" Persephone asked.

I hesitated for a moment before explaining myself. "I haven't told you before this because I didn't want to sound rude or ungrateful, but I don't eat much because I'm afraid I'll have to live here forever."

The gods all exchanged a glance, but I had to keep going; this was something I've kept a secret for ten years, and now it was flowing out of me as though the dam holding it back had broken.

"I love it here, I really do. However, I don't want to feel like a prisoner. I know that all of you don't want me to, but I do dream of going to the upper world. I want to see the sun and feel the wind in my hair. I'm frightened at the thought that something goes wrong and I am given food from the underworld instead of the mortal world without anyone realizing it."

Persephone looked at me with sad eyes. "Oh, my dear, I know all to well of the fear you are describing. It took me half a century to start eating my own food."

I gazed at the queen. I had never thought about how hard it must have been for her to get used to eating here.

"Crystal, I want to apologize." Lord Hades said, shocking me.

"What for, my king? You have done nothing wrong." I insisted.

"No, I should have asked you long ago if you are comfortable eating." He explained.

"And I should have asked you if you wanted to come here in the first place." Thanatos put in.

I shook my head. "I do not want nor need to hear anyone apologize to me. Your majesty, I was hiding it from you for this very reason; so you would not worry. And father, you were simply thinking about the safety of those around me in the mortal world. If I were in your place, I would do the exact same thing."

Hades took a deep breath. "Crystal, I am going to apologize because this is your home. You should feel comfortable in it as well as knowing that you could tell me anything. It appears I have not done a good enough job of doing that."

I looked at all of them. I knew I wouldn't be able to convince these gods that they were doing an excellent job at making me feel as though I belong.

"Though it is not necessary for you to do so," I said, "I will accept your apology for it would be rude of me not to."

My father cleared his throat. "Lord Hades, if I may, I would like to visit with my daughter alone now."

Hades nodded. "Go ahead."

My father stood and motioned for me to follow him. I stood as well, but bowed to Lord Hades.

"Thank you, my king. I truly could not ask for a better home with kinder people." I said and followed my father out of the throne room.

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