Rosie's Approval

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A/N- this is pure fluff. I hope yo all enjoy.

I stood outside of Rosie's school bouncing on my heels waiting for the school bell to sound. I had gotten here an hour early just to make sure I could find her before she went off with friends.

The bell rang out and I watched the door looking for her, after a few minutes I see her walk out with a group of friends talking and laughing together. It made me happy to see her like this, in school I was always alone and didn't have anyone. That pretty much continued until I met John, he's always been there I couldn't thank him enough. Hopefully what I was about to do would show how much I loved him.

"Rose!" I shouted using the name Rosie had adopted once she was a teenager, although to John and I she was still the same little girl that would run around the flat making us play ridiculous games with her.

Rosie's head popped up and she grinned before saying something to her friend and coming over to me. She half jogged half walked to where I was standing and threw her arms around me.

"What are you doing here?" She wondered although she was obviously happy to see me. Normally she would be with friends for an hour or two before coming home. "Where's dad?"

"I was hoping I could talk to you just you and I?" I asked unsure how to bring up what was on my mind. She looked at me suspiciously as if she was trying to deduce me, I had taught her a bit but nothing to the extent of what I could do.

"Is something wrong?"

"No it's good news I hope." I assure and she nods.

"Alright let me just tell my friends to go without me." She ran off to her group of friends, I recognized a few of them from times Rosie had brought them home to hang out. She waved goodbye slinging her bag over her shoulder and running back to me.

We walked to a nearby café, Rosie telling me about her day, while I rehearsed in my head what to say. Once we entered the café ordering some drinks before taking a seat in the back of the small shop.

"So what's up?" She questioned smiling and I was immediately reminded of John, she had his eyes and his smile, along with his personality. I looked at my drink trying to pull the words to say from my brain, I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn't figure out how.

"I wanted to talk about mine and your father's relationship.As you know, John and I have been together for quite a while." I started hoping that would help me get the words out. Rosie perked up in her seat as if she knew what I was going to say. "I want to ask John to marry me."

Rosie let out a squeal of excitement and jumped from her seat to pull me into a hug, I laughed and hugged her back. She sat back in her seat smiling from ear to ear.

"If John says yes there's something I want to ask you." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Of course he'll say yes, he loves you more than anything." She adds and I look down as a blush creeps up my cheeks, even though we had been together for so long hearing that he loved me made my heart swell.

"Rosie,  you and John mean the world to me and I would do anything to prove that. I will always be there no matter what happens, I love you two so so much. So if John does say yes I want to adopt you as my daughter." I look up nervously, afraid that I was overstepping my boundaries, but all that faded when I saw Rosie's smile grow, she reached for my hand and held it in hers.

"You already are Sherlock, I don't know anyone other than my dad who cares for me the way you do and I'd love to be your daughter."  I smiled and gripped her hand tighter in mine.

Later that day we went to a jewelry shop where Rosie helped me find rings for myself and John. We got two silver bands both engraved with the date John and I met, the day my life changed forever.

A few weeks later Rosie was at a friends house and I was pushing John out of the flat trying to make it to Angelo's on time.

"Sherlock why are you in such a hurry?" John asked as I shoved his coat at him and pulled him out the door.

"I have something special planned and I want to be on time." He laughed and linked his hand in mine to walk to the Italian restaurant we both loved.

We arrived and were immediately greeted by an extremely happy Angelo who had set up a romantic setup at the table John and I sat at during our first case together. We sat while holding hands over the table, neither of us wanting to let go while Angelo asked his usual questions insisting that we could have anything off the menu for free.

Once he left I looked to John who was smiling at me and tightening his grip on my hand. I smiled back resisting the urge to kiss him till we couldn't breathe.

"Remember our first case?" I questioned and he smiled.

"I think that's when I realized I loved you. When I saw you about to take that damn pill I knew that I couldn't lose you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me."

"I couldn't believe you did that. No one had ever cared for me that much before."

"If I could go back and tell you I would instead of putting you through all that pain." He gave me a sad smile pulling my hand closer as if he let go he might lose me.

"I wouldn't." I respond and he looks at me in confusion.

"How come?"

"Because then you wouldn't have Rosie.You both mean the world to me." At this John smiled wider and stood to kiss me on the cheek.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" John asked causing me to blush.

"You did kill a cabbie." I respond and John laughs. I talk a deep breath and prepare for what I've been wanting to do for a while.

"John, my whole life I felt so alone until I met you and the day I met you my life got so much better. We've been through hell and back and I wouldn't change a thing because I finally have you here with me. You are my everything and I don't know where I would be without you." I release John's hand and kneel on the floor in front of him. "John Watson, will you marry me?" I pull out the ring box and present him with the silver band Rosie and I picked. John grabbed the front of my suit and pulled me up to stand with him before kissing me.

"Of course I will Sherlock."  He breathed out as we pulled apart. I slipped the ring onto his finger and he pecked me on the lips again before slipping the matching one onto my finger.

"I was afraid that you weren't going to say yes." I admitted and he laughed.

"Of course I said yes, I love you you git."

"That's what Rosie said." I say with a laugh and he looks at me surprised.

"She knew?" He questioned and I nod.

"I asked for her approval, I told her that you and her mean the world to me and I would do anything to prove that. I love you both so much. She even help pick out your ring." John admired the band again and grabbed my hand.

"You're my everything Sherlock, you mean the world to me and Rosie too.You know that right?" He asks and I nod.

"I love you, John."

"I love you too, Sherlock."

Johnlock Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora