5. 400 Years Ago...

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Child!Natsu x Child!Reader

*I probably wouldn't read this chapter if you haven't read the manga-major spoilers! I've warned you!!*

Word Count: 878

Music Link: Chase by Tedashii (ft. Tim Halperin)

They were only children, just toddlers who experienced hell. None of them seemed to have any recollection of the chaos, except you. You watched them fall with your own eyes, you watched him die alongside his parents. Now, there he stood, as energetic as ever, right in front of you. He wore nothing but loose shorts and stood beside a large beast with red scales and a scar on its eye.

You grew up in a tribe with a reputation of being fine gladiators, the best they had was known by the name of Dragneel. He was such an aspiring person, you would watch him fight in the cage. You spectated with your parents alongside his wife and two sons; Zeref and Natsu. You and Natsu were born a week apart and raised together. You were there, Zeref and yourself were the only survivors of a vicious attack on your village. You watched it fall, a memory that will continue to haunt your mind for as long as you lived. Hearing the screams of your friends, watching the blood stain the grassy fields, seeing the bodies crawling for hopes of survival. Your family...his family...all gone.

You watched Natsu pass away after being crushed by the rubble of his home, his small lifeless hand extended out. You knelt, desperate to get him out. You refused to believe you lost your best friend. You recall arms grabbing a hold of you, something magical at the touch. Within a flash you were escorted to safety, crying and screaming. The figure that saved you disappeared as you fell to the floor, facing the eyes of a woman with a bust figure, blonde hair and brown eyes. She introduced herself to you as Anna...Anna Heartfilia. A celestial wizard and a good friend of Zeref's. She raised you, and here you stand today as a celestial wizard and her adopted daughter.

Somehow, Zeref managed to bring Natsu back from the dead, he was alive...you couldn't believe it. You remember when you asked how it could all be possible, he smiled and ruffled your (H/L) (H/C) messy locks gently and said, "He's all I've got. I don't expect you to understand but someday-I know you will...the longer you live."

A strange flow of power rushed through you that day, on that contact, you weren't even sure yourself what it was. Maybe it was for this moment?

"Natsu," you call to the boy. He turns around, the bright light behind him lighting up his features, "(Y/N), what's up?"

You felt tongue-tied, this was your last official goodbye. The eclipse gate was opened with the help of your adopting mother, Anna. The gate was the opening to the future, 400 years in fact. X777.

"Just-just don't forget about me, please," you plea feeling your eyes water with tears. He smiles brightly, filling you with hope, "I promise, I won't."

You ran forward and embraced him, you clutched onto his scarf reminiscing how you made it for him with the help of Anna's knit work. Natsu mumbled, "As long as I wear this scarf, I could never forget you."

You nod gently, sobbing silently. "I-I really like you," you admit against him.

You heard his sweet giggle echo in your ears, "You're really pretty (Y/N), and I like you to."

An uncontrollable smile spread across your rosy cheeks, glistening with the shed tears. You release your arms around the young boy you had a crush on, your confidence rose when you looked at him and his large smile. "(Y/N), do you remember what I said last week?" young Natsu asked you.

Your small little feet rocked your body back and forth slightly, covering your giggle with your hand, "Yes you're so silly."

Natsu closed his eyes and smiled, "Well, it's true. If I find you in the future, I'll be older and we can get married sound good?"

You felt your heart collapse in pain knowing there won't be a future, but you couldn't break his sweet heart. He wasn't sure how far he was going. You'd be dead in 400 years.

"Sounds good," you smile mirroring his own.

You feel Anna's hand rest against your shoulder, "Come now sweetheart, back away from the gate."

You nod stiffly. "Okay mummy."

Anna guided you to a safe distance beside her, your hands shook as Natsu waved to you in front of the gate. You wanted to chase after him, you wanted to grow old with him and have your dream wedding with pretty flowers and fluffy dresses with Natsu dressed like a Prince. A fairy tale wedding.

"I'm going now," Natsu called looking out to you behind Anna with a small wave.

With every step he took, your knees shook and ankles jittered. You wanted to chase after him, but could you?

He stood right in front of the gate, the light consuming him as the tears streamed harder down your face.

Subconsciously, you felt your feet move from behind Anna. "Natsu!" you called out escaping your mother's grasp and running clumsily towards the light of tomorrow.

"(Y/N)!" Anna called out from behind you, you ignored her cries and stumbled towards the portal.

'Natsu, you better remember that promise. I'm coming to find you.'

'I will go chasing you'

Natsu Dragneel x Reader {Oneshots}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora