5 - Together Again

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He pulled Aomine inside the apartment, pushing him up against the entryway wall.  Aomine wrapped his arms around Kagami's waist, pulling him in close.  He whispered before kissing Kagami, "I thought you'd disappeared forever..."

"I didn't think I'd see you again either..." Kagami kissed him back deeply.  He certainly had never expected to be in Aomine's apartment once, and now was already the second time he'd been here.  Even so, he wanted to be with Aomine again.  Being with him the night before had been pure magic and he didn't want to let that go so easily.

Aomine grabbed Kagami's arms and in an instant, Kagami was turned around with his back pressed up against the wall.  Usually, no one could so easily overpower him like that.  Aomine was truly something special.  Aomine's eyes were serious as he said, "Don't leave again.  Stay.  Stay with me."

Kagami had to say that he liked this little bit of force Aomine was showing.  But he shook his head, "I'm no good for you..."  He didn't want to say it, but it was true.  Aomine was still in college, he could be anyone.  Kagami already had his future and he knew it would end in death.  He couldn't pull Aomine into that too.

"Let me decide that," Aomine whispered, leaning in to kiss Kagami again.  Kagami could tell he wouldn't change Aomine's mind.  He decided to surrender to the moment and enjoy the time with Aomine that he had.

He relaxed against the wall, wrapping his arms around Aomine's shoulders.  He pressed his body closer to Aomine's as he kissed him back.  Aomine deepened the kiss, sliding his hands down to Kagami's ass and lifting him up.  Kagami shivered, he loved how Aomine could pick him up so easily.  He felt like, maybe, he didn't have to act strong all the time, at least not around Aomine.  He happily wrapped his legs around Aomine's waist as Aomine carried him to the bedroom.

[AN: I hope you like this update! I'm trying to decide if the next chapter should be smutty or just pick up after their love scene xD thoughts? Any other thoughts on their relationship dynamic? Like the way it's heading?]

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