7 - Opening Up

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Kagami set down a plate in front of Aomine and sat down at the kitchen table next to him.  It'd already been several days since Kagami had come back here after running into Aomine.  He hadn't even left Aomine's apartment.

Aomine looked down at the food Kagami set in front of him and back at Kagami.  "Until you came here, I don't remember the last time I had home-cooked food."  Aomine laughed, "I like to say it's because I'm too busy with college, but I just can't cook."

Kagami smiled, laughing a little too.  "I'm glad I can do this for you."

Aomine sat back in his chair, staring at the food.  "Are you like a chef or something?"

"No."  Kagami could tell Aomine had a point with these comments and questions, but Kagami wasn't about to reveal too much.  He felt like maybe he shouldn't keep Aomine in the dark, but at the same time, he certainly didn't need to get Aomine involved.

Aomine looked up and right at Kagami.  "You know, I haven't asked much since you got here.  I know a lot of the time we're busy having sex, but... I feel like I don't know you.  You know almost everything about me, I let you stay in my apartment alone, and I don't even know your full name."

Kagami swallowed, there wasn't going to be an easy way around this, not with Aomine being so blunt.  Aomine was right though, he knew that Aomine was 19, in his second year of college and already bored with life.  If he wanted to stay with Aomine, he had to tell him something.  Kagami shrugged, he didn't know what to say, he felt so on the spot.  "There's really not much to know about me."

"I doubt that, I could tell you had a mystery about you the first time we met," Aomine leaned a little closer to Kagami, looking into his eyes, "Start with your name.  I'm Aomine Daiki, and you are?"

Kagami let out a sigh, he didn't want to lie to Aomine.  Usually, he'd have no problem lying or even straight up leaving, but he just couldn't do that with Aomine.  He didn't want to give up with Aomine.  He looked back at Aomine, "I'm Kagami Taiga, I'm 24 years old, and I am not a chef, I just like to cook."

Aomine laughed, sitting back in his chair again, "I didn't realize I was dating an older man, that's kind of sexy."

"Dating?"  Kagami's brow raised, he couldn't hide his surprise.  He wasn't sure he had put that word to what they were doing.

"Sure," Aomine shrugged, "I mean, we hang out, we have sex, you're living with me.  You were even the one who said you were falling for me."

"When you put it like that..."  Kagami had never really done the whole dating thing.  He'd been in his line of work so long that he was used to casual encounters and one night stands.  "I've never done this before..."

Aomine narrowed his eyes a little and one brow raised, "You're 24 and you've never done this before?"

"I just," Kagami shrugged, breaking eye contact, "I move around a lot for work, so I don't usually stay to get attached."

"I feel special now," Aomine chuckled a little and leaned over to peck Kagami's cheek, "I'm glad you stayed to get attached."  He leaned back again, "What do you do?  If you move around a lot... will you be leaving soon?"

Kagami smiled, blushing a little.  He was the one that felt special with the way Aomine was treating him.  He shook his head slightly, "I'm an independent contractor.  I just finished a job here, so technically I'm unemployed right now."

"If that means you get to stick around here longer, then I like it," Aomine grinned, leaning in to kiss Kagami.  Kagami couldn't help kissing him back, he really loved being with Aomine.  Something about the the young bluenette was magical.  He knew he should fight this, every logical thought in his mind was telling him to leave Aomine behind.  It would be safer for both of them.  But he couldn't.  Aomine was so refreshing, so lively and bright.  He craved Aomine.

[AN: alright, I hope you liked this chapter! What do you think of it so far? Did this feel like too much exposition and not enough action? I swear I'll bring in some more action soon too! What do you think of their age difference?? I felt like switching it up and making Aomine a lot younger xD thoughts?]

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