Chapter 6: Sarah

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Sarah sat in her car, staring at the paper in her hand. Room nineteen-twelve at the Hilton at nine o'clock. She'd been relieved and disappointed a few days ago when she'd received Nick's note from Ethan. She'd been sure Nick would cancel their contract after her embarrassing exit the day of the interview.

She glanced at her watch. Ten after nine. She needed to go, to meet Nick She took a deep breath and got out of her car. She entered the lobby and headed for the elevator. This was what she'd wanted, needed. It was just sex. Physical relief. Yeah, with a stranger. But there was nothing wrong with that. They were both consenting adults. This did not make her a whore.

The elevator doors opened and she stepped inside, pressing the nineteen. Her stomach was in knots and she wasn't even a little sexually excited. This whole thing was a mistake. She'd never had sex with a stranger. She'd only had sex with one other man, boy really, besides Adam.

The elevator stopped on her floor and she got out and headed for the room. Adam had been her high school sweetheart. They'd started dating at fifteen and hadn't broken up until he'd gone into the service and she'd gone to college. She'd wanted to stay together, but Adam had insisted that it was better to break up. That's when she'd had sex with Stephen. It'd only been a couple of times and it hadn't been great. She'd been in love with Adam and no one could replace him. Her hand froze before knocking on the door. Would this be not great too? She was still in love with Adam. It didn't matter that he'd been dead for six years, she still loved him. This wouldn't change that. This was just physical and it was the only opportunity she'd have for a while. Plus, she'd agreed to it. She choked on a laugh. Not only had she agreed, she'd signed a bloody contract. She knocked before she could change her mind.

Nick opened the door, stepping aside so she could enter. "You're late."

He had a drink in hand, probably scotch and was dressed in jeans and a plain white T-shirt. The casual clothes made him seem more approachable and yet more male. More working class, the kind of guys she'd grown up with.

He shut the door behind her and walked across the room. His ass looked nice in the jeans and some of her nervousness was pushed away by desire.

He sat on the couch and his eyes raked over her body. "Take off your clothes. Slowly."

"What? Now?" She'd figured they'd talk a little, work up to this.

"Yes. Now. This isn't a date." He took a sip of his drink.

"I...I know that." She did but still she wasn't a prostitute although the only difference was she wasn't getting paid.

"I've waited days. You on the other hand had an orgasm a few days ago. I did not."

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that." She didn't blame him for being upset. She'd acted like a child but what if he were really angry?

"Just take off your clothes."

Her hands trembled so much as she tried to unbutton her shirt that she couldn't get a hold of the button. This wasn't what she'd wanted. She didn't need or want the boyfriend experience but she had to work up to sex. She dropped her hands. "Can't we talk a bit? I'll get a drink—"

"No." In a second he was in front of her.

He towered over her—this stranger who she was alone with, who she'd promised to have sex with in numerous ways. She wasn't ready. She may never be ready. "I'm sorry...I can't." She took a step back and he grabbed her arm.

"Oh no. You aren't getting away again." He yanked her to him and his arms went around her, grabbing her ass and pulling her into him, into his erection which was already hard and growing. "You agreed to this. You could've backed out earlier. You're not backing out now. Tonight, you're mine and I can do whatever I want with you."

Interviewing For Her Lover (Six Nights Of Sin Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon