Chapter 5: Sarah

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Sarah stared at the closed door. She shouldn't be so disappointed. Nick wouldn't be good for her. She wanted him too much. So much her mind was scrambling, trying to figure out a way to meet him more than once a week, but it was impossible. Lisa was only available Saturdays and she couldn't, she wouldn't leave Tank for hours with someone else.

Tank had been Adam's dog in the military. He'd sniffed out IEDs until he'd been injured in the same gunfire that'd killed Adam. She gathered the papers together. She still had two more men to interview. One of them would do, but she didn't want someone who'd do. She wanted Nick.

She sipped her drink, hoping Nick would return and agree to her conditions but if anyone asked, she was waiting for Ethan to make Nick's withdrawal official. She finished her drink and poured another. One more but that was it. She had to drive.

The door opened and Nick stormed inside followed by Ethan. Nick was furious, his black eyes almost blazing as a muscle twitched in his cheek. Even angry she wanted him. She wanted to go to him and offer herself to ease his temper. He was definitely not good for her.

"Six nights. Day and time of my choosing." Nick stood by his chair, hands clasping the top so hard his knuckles were white. "And I can see other women the rest of the week."

"That seems reasonable." Ethan shot her an encouraging look.

"It is but I can't."

Nick's face hardened even more and he spun around.

"I can only meet on Saturdays. You pick the time, but it has to be Saturday." She was pleading but she couldn't help herself. He wouldn't come back if he left again.

He turned around and moved back to the table. "We sign the papers right now. No more interviews. You choose me." He almost growled the last word.

She nodded. She was doomed by this attraction, but warmth pooled in her belly. It'd be a glorious time...until it wasn't.

Nick's eyes drifted down her face to her breasts. Her nipples immediately hardened and the warmth in her belly moved lower, causing wetness to gather between her thighs. She squeezed them together a little, to feel the pressure, find a little relief from the aching emptiness. His lips turned upward in a half-smirk. He must have noticed her movement. The heat flooded her face too.

"Great. Let's get these papers signed." Ethan pulled a blank contract from his jacket and filled it out as he flipped through their original contracts.

Nick filled his glass with more scotch and started to pour her another, but she put her hand over the top of the glass. He raised his brow, daring her to defy him again.

"I have to drive."

"Get an Uber."

"No. I'd have to get another one to come back for my car and...No."

"I think the first thing we'll do is teach you the word yes." He sat across from her.

"I know that word too, but for some reason you make me say the other one much more." She smiled.

"We'll work on changing that."

"I've added the conditions and preferences from each of your contracts to this one." Ethan handed the papers to her. "Look it over and sign on the bottom of the last page."

She read it and signed.

Ethan slid it across the table to Nick who read it and signed.

"That's that then." Ethan gathered the contract. "Nick will send me the details for your meetings—location, time, etc and I'll forward it to you." He turned to her. "Since this is your first time, I'll go over the process verbally if you like? It's all in the papers, but"—he grinned—"who really reads contracts."

Interviewing For Her Lover (Six Nights Of Sin Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now