Time with kids and It was nice to meet you Mr. Felix (plus a surprise)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah big sister! Sing another song!" Bendy exclaimed with excitement.

"Big sister, your voice is so pretty! Please sing again." Boris said with puppy dog eyes. (That's not very hard.)

"Alright, alright. Just one more song. Then we go to bed." Belle said with a little giggle.

"Yay!~" the boys cheered as they waited for her to sing her last song.

~End of Flashback~

"Ma....Mama. Mama!" one of her kids said bringing her back. She looked down to see one of her cat kids looking up at her with a brush in their tiny hands. "It's my turn." they said.

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry. Come now let's get you brushed up." Belle said getting back to her senses. She looked at the two other adults to see they went back to brushing Oswald's kids.

"Mr. Felix, let us brush you now!" one of the bunnies said. Felix looked unsure until the bunny child gave him their best puppy dog look. He sighed.

"A-Alright." he said. Oswald's kids cheered as they began to give Felix a full Spa treatment. Belle giggled softly before turning back to brushing her own kids along with some of Oswald's kids too.

"Oh man how did I get roped into this." Felix said as he got the Spa treatment. He looked towards Oswald and Belle; who where busy with brushing the kids to notice his stares. 'Although, I don't really mind.' he thought with a tiny chuckle as he continued to stare at the two with a blush on his face. Belle felt eyes on her again. She turned to see Felix holding one of Oswald's kids in front of his face. Oswald noticed too. So he looked as well. Belle had a confused look before giggling and just leaving Felix be. Oswald did the same.

"Mama? Can we bwush yur hair, pwease?" her children asked. She couldn't say no to them. So she gave them the brush. They brushed her short hair before brushing her ears. Belle began to feel sleepy. She soon closed her eyes and fell asleep while curling up on the ground.

"Yes! The plan worked!" her children said quietly as to not wake her up. One of them dug for something in her bag.

While that was happening~

One of Oswald's sons took a frame of Ortensia without Oswald knowing. He walked up to Felix and handed him the photo.

"This is Mommy! You look like her Mister!" the son said. Felix looked at the picture.

"Oh, but she's so beautiful compared to me." he said. (No Felix!~ You're beautiful!)

"Uncle Mickey said she went to a better place or something." the child said with a shrug. Felix lost his smile and his face turned sad.

"O-Oh my." he said with sadness. Just then Oswald grabbed the picture while glaring at Felix. "I-I'm sorry. Your son gave it to me." he said.

"Papa?" the son asked.

"Can I have my jacket lovelies. I thing I caused enough trouble." Felix said forcing a smile.

"But we're making carrot muffins and Ms. Belle is going to make us some honey tea." another bunny said holding Felix's coat while looking sad.

"Bad Papa! Go to your room!" the son scolded Oswald. Soon Oswald came back with two of his kids glaring at him. He showed the board to Felix.

'Sorry. That picture mean a lot to me.' it said. Felix shrugged.

"Oh, it fine. I wouldn't have dared look at it myself anyway. I just couldn't say no to that sweet kid." he said forgiving Oswald very easily. Oswald then held out a carrot muffin to Felix. "For me?" he said taking it."T-Thanks." he finished as he looked at Oswald with a small blush.

BABTQFTIM (Oswald x Oc x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now