New friends

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Chapter 5-

Today is my first day at the new school. I exaggerated when I said the beginning of the year we basically have two weeks left till summer. I don't know why she'd make us start new this late.

Anyways I decided to get up and start getting ready. I decided to wear the daisy crop top I picked up on Saturday and some white high waisted jeans and my yellow flip flops. I left my hair natural again and pined my bangs back with a daisy bow that matched my shirt. I then put on some foundation and eyeliner, white eyeshadow, mascara, and my fav cotton candy lip gloss 😻

I grabbed my phone off the charger and saw that taylor had gotten his friends (including him) to follow me on Instagram and Twitter. That made me laugh.

When I got to school, the school was huge and there were 2x the amount of kids at my school.

This was going to be fun -_-

I hurried and put my stuff in my locker and went to first period.

Guess who was in there.????

Taylor and all his friends -_-

When he saw me he called me over.

Taylor- Riiiiiiiiii!!!! *smiles* come sit wiff me pwease

Ri- Ugh Taylor don't do that again *laughs a little and sits down by him*

Taylor- *chuckles* Fine but I want you to meet these guys.

Jack G, Jack J, Nash, Matt, Cam & Aaron.

The rest don't go here yet, or anymore.

Ri- *Smiles* I'm Mar *gco*

Jack G- You're gorgeous, *chuckles* you're Ansley , you don't like your name so you go by your middle name Marie, but people call you Ri *smiles*

Ri- *blushes* Damn! How'd you know that.? 😳

Jack G- Yeah Taylor talks a lot about you.

-class ends-

I went through my day and met some new people, and then I hurried home to get ready for my skate date 👌😉

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now