thursday i love you's

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malaysia sat in the nook of her room staring at the pellets of rain hitting her window. she hadn't quite got the urge to tell Michael all she wanted to and she thought this day in would help push her too it. she loved the kid, and wanted to be with him forever and the conversation yesterday moved her. he was the one that brought it up, which means that it's been in that big ass head of his for some time.

her eyes wondered from the grey sky to the car door that Michael was currently getting out of and making his way in the house. she listened to almost every one of his movements until he sat in front of her with a goofy smile on his face.

"why you looking at me like that?" she asked, side eyeing him

"i can't smile at my girl? he laughed handing her the food that she didn't even notice he still had "here, eat."

smiling she turned to him and opened the delicious smelling chipotle bowl. neither of them said anything for a bit until she spoke up.

"i love you." she blurted

it was like those movies; you know, when one of them say it and the other always chokes, spits out water or drops their food. yea, Michael dropped his food cussing as he picked it up

"I'on mean the normal 'love you' but, more so i'm in love with you and if I didn't tell you i'd probably blow up somewhere. I just," she trailed for a second "the whole conversation from yesterday really hit me. I know I said you don't have to say it as long as you showed it but, I just I don't know."

Michael kind of just sat there breathing in her words letting them settle in every crevice of his body. the nervous look on her face sent a force against him that no other girl had done before. this was what he talked about, what he never thought he had and all he said was...

"i love you too may." and gave her a kiss. it was pretty tragic but, he didn't exactly know how to put his feelings into proper sentences and he thought this was the best way to go. may just hummed and smiled, feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders while Michael felt like it had settled on his.


hey y'all, this deadass is just a filler chapter okay??

I just started my marketing classes aka i'm actually going to take time to do my work because if I fail this shit it's over ard

thanks for reading this, voting and commenting. remember to tell ya friends and aunties about this lol

luhh y'all


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