wednesday tub talks

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It was 3 o'clock when you and Michael woke up, last night being everything but boring. You sighed heavily, dragging your feet against the wood floors until you reached the bathroom. Turning the hot water on immediately, you watched the water inviting you in with each inch filling your claw tub.

Pouring a bit of eucalyptus bath salts and oil in, you left to wake Michael and tell him to come get in. It took a few minutes before he walked into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and used the bathroom, you being annoying going "ew are you serious I tried to make this romantic" and him being all "this is real life situations babe, get over it." before he actually joined you.

    "This feels so good." he announced letting out a relieved groan, leaning his head against your bare chest

    "Tell me about it." you smiled shyly

    "Why do you feel so tense?" he questioned looking up at you

    "I don't know, nervous?"

    He chuckled shaking his head. "Why?"

    "You still make me nervous, okay?"

    "I love that." he cried poking out his lips for a kiss, which you gave him before turning back around

    "I wish you'd stop smiling, it's annoying."

    "I'm not even facing you, how can you even tell?"

    "I know my boy." you pressed "So I know you're smiling."

    "Do you want kids?"

The room fell silent, all the visions that normally played across your mind at 2 a.m when you thought about Michael and what not came to front field. Of course you want kids, especially with Michael, or whoever is under your spell years from now.

You wanted the whole gender reveal, and the bond with every inch that kid grew inside of you. You wanted to take those corny ass pictures with matching outfits and shit.

    "Is this a trap question?" you asked and felt Michael's body vibrate from chuckling

    "It's an actual question May." he said looking up at you

    Pursing your lips up you nodded, "Of course I do."

In this time, Michael had turned his back into a corner so he was facing you. The faint smile on his lips was hiding the one he really wanted to bring out. He too, had thought about having a child with Malaysia. How if it was a girl, she'd probably look just like her momma because they had some strong genes; Or if it was a boy, he'd probably be a mix of both of them. He wanted his kid to play a sport, and they always go out on little family dates. It's corny as fuck but he wanted it, and he knew that May has to want it as much as he does.

    "So once school is all finished up and we feel it's right, we can start trying?" he asked

    "Michael," she started

    "Com'on May," he began moving closer while bits of water splashed out the tub "I'll start looking for a job out of school and I'm sure you'll keep your current one since you're so in love with it."

The two stared at one another for a moment. Silence, splash, silence.

    "Before that, don't you think we have other things to cover?"

    "Like," he trailed off

    "Maybe the whole love thing," you whispered scared of him jumping out the water and hopping on the next plane out

He looked at you, then the water. He knew he love- no, he knew he was in love with you but he'd never actually said it. In his defense though, actions speak louder than words and he felt like his actions were screaming the simple sentence.

   "I didn't think I had to say anything, especially since you know everything" he chuckled

    "Don't make me pop you with this soap Bakari."

You two laughed, him planting an uneasy kiss on your forehead

    "How 'bout we table that, and you just wash my back." May laughed handing Michael her exfoliating body scrub.

     he nodded, "Anything for you, princess."


I'm currently in my hotel in VA bored asf

I love Michael so much like, it's sad. What's y'all favorite books/movies/TV shows??

I might do a three part story to some of the songs off SZA'S new album. Yay? Nay?

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