I threw on my shoes and took out the leather jacket from underneath my pillow. It was something that I always slept with whenever I was home; every other night I had Zayn for comfort. I looked over at the dream catcher that hung on my wall, the one that Zayn commented on once.

I climbed onto my bed before taking it down from where it hung. I grabbed the thumb tack it was hanging on and placed it in a small pocket on the backpack. I placed the dream catcher inside with my journal, and I knew that I had all I needed.

I left my room and made my way down the hall, passing my mum in the living room and waving at her with a smile. "I'll be home later," I promised before slipping out of the front door and going on my way.

I began walking down the sidewalk, already delving into my thoughts to try and maintain a clear head before I actually got to Zayn's house. There was so much rubble within my head that I had to dig through.

    I began with the auditions. The end of the first round was coming up soon, and I was awfully nervous. I spent most of my time anticipating the whole thing and waiting for it to be over. I know that there was no point in trying to rush the process because I did was to put my best work out there, but it was slowly eating me alive.

     Zayn already turned in his audition video, and Louis mentioned that Harry said there were so many videos already flooding in. I had no idea how I would even be a thought in their mind. It was a board of about four students and two adults. They would sit and watch countless videos only to get bored and speed past mine as if it was nothing. It was really worrying me, but I had to stay calm.

     Just as I was trying to let the thoughts die, my phone rang in my pocket. I rushed to dig into my pant pocket, not looking where I was going, and I heard a small, high-pitched squeal in surprise as I bumped into somebody.

    I had a tight grip on my phone, so it didn't fall, but the other person dropped a few papers that scattered over the sidewalk. I quickly caught a couple of them before they could fly away, and I looked at the small figure kneeling on the ground, collecting the mess of papers.

    I bent down to help, collecting all of the papers I could into my hands and immediately apologizing to the stranger. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I should have been," I apologized.

     "N-no. It's okay. I was distracted myself," The girl replied in a shy voice. I looked up at her and saw that she was pretty small, had a head full of unruly red curly hair, and had deep brown eyes that were so dark they almost seemed black, yet they held no sinister take to them. She seemed to be completely innocent as she adjusted her glasses from the bump.

     I looked down at the papers and saw that they were information about people; names, ages, talents. It was a bit weird, and I assumed she saw the bewildered expression on my face.

    "O-oh those aren't m-mine," She said, gathering the ones I held and placing them on top of others. "Well, I mean, they are, b-but I..." She took a deep breath as we both stood up again. "I go to Rosewood. I'm in charge of the auditioners. I have all of their information. I'm also late for a meeting," She sighed, tucking a curl behind her ear as she looked at the ground. She was clearly afraid of even speaking to a person, so I was curious as to what her talent was.

     "That's amazing. Um, my boyfriend and I are actually auditioning," I said, making her head snap up to look at me, and she smiled.

    "I know you! Liam Payne. I've read your audition page. A lyricist and singer. I'm awfully excited to hear what you've got. Have you sent in a video yet? We haven't seen any of the ones sent in yet. We start tomorrow, but the deadline is still the weekend," She explained, still showing signs of awkwardness as she repeatedly messed with her hair and glasses. She was a shy little thing, but somehow a likeable person.

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