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"Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

He asked for trouble the moment he came

Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

Evil as plain as the scar on his face

Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

He asked for trouble the moment he came"

The song blared out of the TV, i always played Lion King when i'm sad. But right now i am beyond sad...i am miserable!

My date with Nick yesterday was beyond amaizaing, but then towards the end it all went to heck...


It started as if it was a dream, he drove to my place. Picked me up, and we drove to a local restaurant (name of which I couldn’t remember) and got cozy seats in a dark corner. By some miracle no one recognized us…or they didn’t want to, I couldn’t tell. Something kept nagging at the back of my mind, though I couldn’t remember what. As we ate our meal in comfortable silence we made small talk, nothing that’ll make things awkward, like my broken engagement, his bands breakup…world hunger…

“So what’s new in Miley town?” Nick asked as he stuffed his face with a bowl of spaghetti.

“Miley town?” I let out a scoff, “Not much”

“Really? Because last I heard, you were giving Robin Thicke a boner” his face broke out in a grin.

“OH MY GOD! Nick I can’t believe you said that!” My face burned crimson red. Nick howled with laugher,

“What are you blushing for? You didn’t blush when you were grinding his brains out”

“Shut up!”

“Or what?” he demanded.

“Or that plate of spaghetti will join the various other goop in your hair” I leaned forward and whispered menacingly.

“My my, lil Miss Cyrus has a back bone”

“lil Miss Cyrus? Nicholas please stop” I say in a British accent.

We both laugh and I begin to wonder, why did we break up? What was so wrong that we didn’t stay together? Then what he said finally hit me. “Backbone? What does that mean?” I peek out my lips.


“You saying I’m weak? That I’ve always been pushed around?” Tears brim my eyes.

“Jesus! Miley! No!” Nick began to panic, sweat nearly breaking out.

I stuck my tongue out at him, “gotcha!”

“Oh Jesus-fucking-christ” Nick held his chest and let out a breathe. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“Sometimes I wonder if I should’ve just stuck to acting” I smiled.

“Well, if you did you’d make a butt load of money…not that you don’t already!” he quickly interjected.

“haha” I giggled. It felt SO GOOD to do that again…so relieving! “I’m really having a wonderful time here Nick”

“Me too” he looks deep into my eyes. “The best” Suddenly his whole form changed to tense and uncertain, I’m brow crease with worry. “I-I need to ask…say something”

It Just Wasn't The Right Time For Niley (Nick And Miley)Where stories live. Discover now