11. Secretive Ways!

Start from the beginning

All of a sudden, he stepped away and the permanent smirk, which played on his lips, reminded Scarlett of her fallacious thoughts. Right then and there, she wanted to hide.

"I'll meet you soon, Angel. Until then," he took a step forward and whispered in a teasing manner, "See you, and wait for me." Moreover, saying so, he took his steps towards the door as he turned the knob. Scarlett could just stare at him unfounded. Predictably, he turned, only to exceed one of his smug smiles one last time and disappear.

Blankly, she stared at the closed door until a certain irritating buzz disturbed her. Her cell phone vibrated. Disoriented, she took a hold of it, her mind still numb. She could still feel him extra close to me.

What was so wrong with her? She sighed. He had always won over her openness and she could only let him hold the effect he already had.

Again, it was him on the other end of the phone. Hastily, she switched it off, collapsing on her dark brown leather couch. She could not help but think whatever he'd said a few minutes back.

Was it possible that Scarlett's father, Arthur had left something for him? Precisely, he just tricked, that is what he had been doing since immemorial times. However, he was one hundred percent right. Dylan had been his favorite and surely, it might have been very hard for him to convince himself that he was wrong and a traitor. It was obvious that he would be hurt as he was the one who brought him to stay with them. Additionally, in return, Arthur faced betrayal. Probably, before he could express his disappointment and displeasure, he was gone.

An exasperated sigh came out of Scarlett's mouth, as she closed her eyes feeling the exhaustion creeping into her mental state. Her eyelids turned heavy and her whole system demanded peaceful rest, which seems like an impossible task. Lying on the couch was not comfortable either, yet she just lay there.

Scarlett remembers that Dylan had remarked that he would see her soon. She grimaced with the thought of it. She was still not ready to face him; she would never be, let alone his haughty remarks and cynical ways.

Scarlett could not agree more, with what Julia and Aaron think about the wedding. It was probably high time to take a step. She probably shall marry him as soon as possible, if that's what makes that conceited jerk stop his games. He considers her to be still hanging on to their dead relationship, which she was partly and she does not contradict either, but Scarlett hopes to call for it to end soon. If Dylan believes that, she's at a halt and is willing to get back with him, then he was absolutely in the wrong direction.

Steadily, she opened her eyes when she'd heard certain shuffling noises from her right. She'd been snoozing. She did not remember falling asleep.

Scarlett's gaze shifted towards the unbolt windows. It was quite dark out there already. She cursed again as she already got a few things to work on and between all that shit, she managed to doze off. Promptly, she got up, only to flinch in pain. Her back if her neck part hurt.

It was Aaron, who created the rustling sounds of papers. Hearing her whimper, he approached her way, inclining down to her level.

"Are you all right?" He asked, a frown taking place on his forehead as he poured her a glass of water.

"Yeah, I just got myself in pain," Scarlett involuntarily pressed the area that was aching around her neck, "Possibly because I was sleeping in an uncomfortable position." She responded.

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