Las Vegas: Part 2

Start from the beginning

     "I've always cared for her, even as her friend."

     "But back then you were oblivious. Now you aren't, it evens out the playing field. So whatever happens to her after this, I suppose I can't just hold you accountable and I'll blame the both of you."

     "Harsh." I stated, just as Demi closed her fifth song. "But I understand."

     "Good." Marissa was the first to hug Demi when she ran off stage for her wardrobe change. I happily took my position as my dancers followed cue to perform. We went through a couple of songs in my first set before switching with Demi once again. It was a routine I had known so well. Even our last minute changes to a show's performance went off without a hitch. After both of our sets and everything was completed for the night, Demi and I were met with our eager dancers. Some of them suggested we head out to a club while others chose a casino. We decided, why not do it all.

     The lights swirled together as we made it down the road. The music and nightlife blended together perfectly as the smell of street food lingered through the air. The first club we ended up at was one of the larger ones, the darkness engulfing us as we danced our way inside. Marissa had followed, keeping to Demi's side as the music filled the air. If the brunette had been worried about our current situation, she hadn't spoken on it. One club lead to another and by the time we hit the last one, I decided to grab a drink.

     "What's Demi's problem?" Robert had angrily tossed back one shot after the other as I stood by his side.

     "What are you talking about? She seems happy." I glanced around the space to find the brunette dancing with a couple of our crew members as well as Marissa. They were all smiling and moving around one another with ease.

     "She's pushing me away. She doesn't even fall for my advances anymore. Is it because we're at the end of tour and she's over me?" Robert was genuinely hurt, his voice shook when he spoke. It wasn't my place to tell him about what was going on, but it wasn't right for me to allow him to continue lusting after her.

     "I think Demi isn't really ready for commitment."

       "That hasn't stopped her from being with me before." I watched as the man gazed into his empty glass, a sigh escaping him just before my drink was slid in front of me. With all of his huffing and puffing, I thought Robert would speak again, but he hadn't. He ordered another round of shots for himself and pretty soon I was going to cut him off. I drunk my rum and vodka mix, glancing over the crowd of people I knew, smiling at how relaxed everyone seemed to be. But peace never lasts among a crowd so large. I had allowed myself to feel anger towards a woman that wasn't even before me the second her music broke through the club speakers. Miley's song filled the room as screams of joy burst through the air. I wasn't one of those lucky few however, rolling my eyes before ordering another drink.

      Demi was enjoying herself with Marissa and after leaving her friend behind at the aquarium earlier, I decided to let them enjoy each other's company. But I had found myself mopping along with Robert. He would blurt out things about Demi, and I would, on occasions, spill a few secrets about Nick. But the action hadn't made me feel any better. It honestly made me feel worse. Memories were the hardest things to get rid of. After a couple of drinks, I found myself trying to stay awake. My vision was definitely blurry, and although the club was filled with the dancers and backup singers from tour, other people filled the space as well. I placed my hand against what I assumed to be Robert's shoulder, asking him to lead me back to my tour bus. But the voice that drifted into my ear wasn't one I recognized.

     "Anything you say darling." The man smiled, I suppose. I couldn't make out his face, but pulled back just the same. My voice, at least to me, called out for the man that was standing at the bar. But incoherent words must of drifted out because whoever I had latched onto earlier began to coax me and explain that I was drunk and that he'd take care of me. I wasn't drunk enough to walk away with some stranger, hell, I wasn't sober enough to walk at all. I found myself knocking against other people, trying to move away from this persistent person at my side. And although my blurry vision began to play tricks on me, I definitely spotted Demi walking through the crowd. Her muffled voice was followed by Marissa's.

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