Las Vegas: Part 1

Start from the beginning

     "What the hell is that?" I heard Robert shout over the group. A few people recognized us and began to ask for autographs and photos. I held back, allowing everyone else, including Selena to bask in the sea of people forming.

     "Are they taking us to the arena?" Marissa questioned, as security began to storm towards us. The driver had spotted us, waving us down as I rolled my eyes.

     "You know what, we should do some sight seeing." I smiled, as my friend studied me.

     "You want to play hooky?"

     "Just for a few hours. The show doesn't start until seven. We've got plenty of time." I glanced over the group, studying them all just before I crept between them. Although fans were calling me, I pushed between the tour crew to grab Selena's hand. She turned towards me as I pried her away from everyone.

     "This is crazy." She shook her head, wanting to go among her fans again, because who wouldn't.

     "I have an idea." I wasn't going to tell her about it, but lead her and Marissa past the driver we had waiting, and brought the two of them towards the street. Families were going about their lives as normal, traveling to and from their homes. I flagged down a taxi just as more people began spotting us.

     "What are you doing?" Selena's brown eyes studied mine as I smirked.

     "Trust me, we're going to have fun." I assured her just before we all climbed inside of the vehicle. The man only gazed us over before asking for a destination. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. The three of us sat in silence as we swerved in and out of traffic. The second we arrived outside of the aquarium, I forced Marissa to pay the driver before making it up the steps..

     "How can we do anything with no money?" My friend complained, dragging herself along behind me.

     "I have an app on my phone that has my information, we'll be fine." I assured my friend as Selena kept silent. It was weird to not hear her laugh about something random but I knew exactly how to loosen her up. Once we stepped inside the aquarium, her eyes practically began to sparkle. The smell of salt water drifted through the space as I happily grabbed her hand, leading her towards the first exhibit.

     "Demi I'm going to grab a few snacks, meet me back here in about thirty minutes." Marissa faced me as I shot her a thumbs up. "Need anything?"

     "Selena?" I faced the woman at my side, but she only ignored my question and tugged for me to follow her. "I think we're good."

     "I'm so over the two of you." My friend complained, disappearing among the people walking past. The bright blue tanks began to guide us through each exhibit, fish swimming this way and that as we studied them. There was a diver in one of the tanks, happily waving to the crowd before tossing food around himself. He would gently rub the belly of a fish or the back of their scales.

     "Do they have any sharks?" Selena questioned just as we stopped a few feet away from one of the maps. "They have Tiger sharks." The brunette squeezed my hand before squealing. "Let's go." And we were off once more. Honestly, it felt amazing not to have people following you and screaming at you while you were out and about. But I knew it wouldn't last long. We finally climbed down the massive staircase into the depth of the aquarium where a large tank spread out from wall to wall. Selena released me, slowly pacing towards the thick glass before running her fingers against it.

     "So do you like my surprise?" I questioned, stepping at her side as the blue water danced against her eyes.

     "You did good." She nodded, studying the few sharks that trailed past the glass. Whispers from kids slowly drifted in and out of the room as they too studied the creatures roaming through the waves.

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