"Absolutely not!" Hiashi shouted out.

Naruto and Hinata jumped at Hiashi's raised voice. They both turned around to look him in the face.

"You two are getting married! And you must give the image of a married couple! You two will sleep in the same room! The Hyuuga's honor is at stake! That is an order!"

"Yes, Father." Hinata bowed with respect to her father, but inside she was cheering. Yay! I get to sleep in the same room as Naruto after all! ...Wait... I'm going to be sleeping in the same room as Naruto... alone... in the same bed... oh no! I can barely even talk to him! How am I going to manage lying next to him for one whole night?!

Relax Hinata. Don't mess this up! Besides... If you pass out you are already in bed so what's the worst thing that could happen?

Hinata took a deep breath. She was right. She could manage to do this. She had to! She was about to become Naruto's wife after all.

Wife.... At that thought Hinata almost fainted. Her cheeks burned with color and she began to feel light headed.

"Uh... I-I'm going to go get ready for bed!" And with that Hinata ran off towards the bathroom.

Hiashi and Naruto stared after her, their eyebrows raised. Naruto shrugged and turned to walk into his new magnificent room. However, Hiashi firmly grasped his shoulder stopping him in his tracks.

"Wait. Naruto, Hinata is my eldest daughter and heir to the Hyuuga clan. If you screw this up... I will kill you." Hiashi's voice was deep and layered with hate.

Naruto, being so accustomed to having people despise him just shrugged and grinned at his soon to be father in law. "Don't worry! I'll stay on top of her!"

Hiashi's eye twitched. Surely this boy couldn't have meant.... No... this boy was much too stupid.

"Just take care of my daughter." Hiashi let his arm fall off of Naruto's shoulder and walked out the door. Naruto and Hinata were now all alone in their new giant house.

Naruto walked into his room and looked around. He would have loved to just jump on the big soft bed, but he knew that rightly, the bed should go to Hinata since the house did belong to her family. So Naruto grabbed one of the large, fluffy blankets and made his own little bed right next to the door. He then yawned and laid down.

Naruto was surprised at how comfy his little make-shift bed was. The blanket was obviously hand crafted and it was the softest thing Naruto had ever felt. The carpet was also very soft and made for excellent padding. He sighed happily and pulled the blanket around him. He could get used to living like this... Naruto was snoring within seconds.

Meanwhile, Hinata was still in the bathroom. She had changed into her pajamas. Her pajamas were a pair of bottoms just like her usual ones and a purple tank-top with straps going over her shoulders. She had debated for several minutes on whether she should wear a bra or not. It was terribly uncomfortable to sleep in, but she was sleep next to Naruto... She had ultimately decided not to wear one. Hinata brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and sprayed a splash of nightly perfume on herself.

Hinata took one more glance into the mirror and took a deep breath. She switched the light off and opened the bathroom door and slowly walked towards her room. She slid the door back and almost tripped over Naruto's sleeping body.

Hinata's sprits were instantly deflated. She had thought, almost hoped that she and Naruto would be sharing the large bed. She had even used her special perfume! And he had just fallen asleep on the ground. What a waste!

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