C h a p t e r III

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It was dawn. The sun had just barely begun to peak over the faraway mountains. All was quiet in Konoha.... Except for Naruto's stomach.

"Grrmmm..." Naruto grumbled as he awoke. His stomach was hungry and it wanted food. It couldn't understand that Naruto had been up all night listening to Hinata sleep. It couldn't know that Naruto now had a fiancée. All it could understand was that it was empty and it needed food now!

Naruto rose out of bed quietly as to not wake up Hinata. As he silently got dressed, he kept one eye on Hinata's chest, watching it rise and fall with each breath. As he turned to leave, he realized that it was pretty hard to tear his gaze off Hinata's chest. He was also surprised to find that he had begun to stare at Hinata's breasts. He shook his head and walked out of the room. What was with these thoughts he kept having? Why were these dirty thoughts constantly bombarding his mind? Naruto's stomach growled again. Oh... that's right. Food first, strange thoughts later.

Naruto started walking to Ichiraku's ramen shop. While he was walking, Naruto casually stuck his hands into his pockets. As he did so, his hand unexpectantly came into contact with a piece of paper. He pulled out the piece of paper and read the scribbled writing on it. It was an address which Naruto didn't seem to know...

Suddenly, Naruto remembered the "Western" breakfast he had eaten the day before. Hiashi had written down the store's address on the piece of paper. Naruto was suddenly faced with a tough decision. He had never passed up the opportunity to have ramen, but that western food was amazing. Maybe I should just check out the store... Naruto thought to himself as he changed his direction to head towards the unfamiliar address.

A bell jingled as Naruto walked into the store. A neon sign outside the store read The Setting Sun.

"Good morning, sir! How may I help you?" An elderly man said from behind a counter.

Naruto gasped. This was the first time in his entire life a store owner had actually welcomed him! Was it possible that the owner didn't know who Naruto was?

"Hello, mister. I... uh... I was wondering... What could I get to eat in here?" Naruto asked as he looked around at the endless amount of bright boxes, cans and bottles.

"Well... have you ever eaten Western food before?" The elderly man replied.

"Yeah... sorta... I have tried bacon..."

The man smiled. "That's good. Bacon is one of the greatest Western foods. But here are some other things I suggest you try." The old man then slowly walked around the store and gathered several things into his arms. He then placed all the items on the counter and gestured for Naruto to come over. "This is a cupcake. This is ice cream, chicken wings, cheeseburger, hot dogs, and this.... This is peanut butter!" The man said with excitement.

"Peanut butter?"

"Yes. Peanut butter goes great with anything. Bread, pancakes, celery, pretzels, and pretty much anything else." The old man then put all of the food into a large plastic bag. "Ah! I almost forgot. You are going to need to learn how to cook these things!" The old man pulled out a large box and set it next to Naruto's bags.

"This is a portable toaster oven. It will cook almost anything and can even grill your hamburgers!"

Naruto eyed the large boxed carefully. "I'm not sure, mister. How much will all of this cost me?"

The old man's eyes twinkled. "Not a penny. The first purchase is entirely free! Just promise me you will come back and try my other merchandise."

Naruto broke out in a huge grin. "Absolutely!" Hey mister? What's your name?"

Our Moist Love (NaruHina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora