Chapter One // Meeting The Preacher's Son

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"Do I have to go to church Darry? I'm already late enough as it is," I protest.

"Just go in quietly and no one will even notice that your late. Just go and don't ruin your good clothes please," Darry says.

"Why doesn't Soda have to go," I whine.

"He's at work Ponyboy. Just go," he says sighing.

I huff loudly and turn on my heel, walking out of the door. The church is down the street and I knew it because I could read the big sign out front.

I had just moved in the other day and I didn't know anybody but my brothers but everyone seemed real sweet from how I could see everyone acted. Around new people I was awful shy but with my brothers I wouldn't stop talking and I would bug them about anything under the sun.

My good clothes were a nice pair of blue jeans and a clean white shirt, I consider them nice clothes that is. My hair was slicked back nicely and I dug my hands into my back pockets.

"Why couldn't have Darry gone with me," I mutter.

Suddenly, the church bells ring and I look up slightly to see one of the doors closing. The other door didn't close however, there was a breeze so it was probably kept open for that reason.

I speed up into a jog and reach the church, just to stand in the doorway for a moment. Slowly and quietly, I make my way in and just stand in the back nervously, shifting side to side.

"Hey, you can come sit next to me," someone whispers softly.

I look around the room until my eyes meet a pair of dark brown ones, I smile lightly. He was in the back row and right by the edge, both back rows were empty.

Carefully, I walk over and he scoots over and I still next to him. He turns his attention back up front and I do as well, seeing a man that looks like the boy I sat down next to.

He had dark raven hair and it was combed nicely to the side, no hair grease at all. He wore a black suit with a ruby red tie, he looked like some kind of lawyer.

Glancing at the boy next to me, I took in his features and a small smile creeps onto my face. He has the same raven black hair as the man up front but his was curled at the ends and it hung over his forehead lightly.

He wore a nice pair of black khakis and I white t shirt tucked in them, and a pair of black dress shoes on his feet. I look down at my shoes and sigh softly, seeing a beat up pair of white Converse and I look back up and glance at him.

He moves his hand and tucks a strand behind his ear before placing his hand back into his lap, clasping his hands together. He looks at me and I turn my attention away from him and back up front.

"I haven't seen you around here at all. Are you new here," the boy whispers to me.

I turn my head to look at him and he has a big grin on his face, showing off his perfect white teeth. I just bite my bottom lip lightly and look at his eyes.

"U-uh yeah, I just moved in down the street," I whisper back.

"That's nice, I hope you enjoy it here. Everyone here is real kind," he whispers.

I nod slightly but don't turn away, I just continue to study him. He has freckles dotting over his cheeks and nose, making him look better than he did.

He turns away and looks back up front, fiddling with his thumbs. I look back up front as well, not wanting to seem like a creepy person and sigh softly.

"May names Johnny Cade," he says softly. "That up there is my dad, the preacher."

"That's nice... I'm Ponyboy Curtis, my dad isn't here," I say. "And yes Ponyboy is my real name. I have another brother named Sodapop, says so on his birth certificate."

"How creative," Johnny whispers to me. "And, you said you dad wasn't here... Is he at home?"

"N-no...," I murmur. "My parents a-actually died in an auto wreck about a year ago... I live with my two big brothers."

"Oh I'm so sorry for your lost Pony... It must be hard," he says sympathetically.

"It ain't that bad. I miss em sometimes and i-i cry a lot but other than that I'm okay. My brothers both got jobs up here so they can pay bills and keep me in school," I say. "So yeah, it ain't that bad..."

"Oh, okay," Johnny murmurs softly.

We both turn out heads back up front to listen to the preacher. It wasn't long before we both turned out heads back to look at each other.

"Hey Pony," Johnny asks hesitantly.

"Yeah," I respond."

"How would you like to bring your brothers over for dinner at my house?"


Welcome to my new story! I really hope this gets better as it goes...

Other than that, how was it?

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