Chapter Ten

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"That is why it is called St. Patricks Day. Any question?" My teacher asks us as I stare out the window. The bell rings as everyone begins to pack up their things ready to go home for the day. For once I've stayed for the whole day of school. I don't know why but I just couldn't be in my house. It kept reminding me of things I didn't want to remember.

"I'm surprised you stayed" Stefan comments as he walks down the hall with me.

"Me too actually. Maybe I was too busy thinking about all the students I could kill in the next ten minutes" I say looking at him as he returns the stare with an unimpressed facial.

"Kidding" I roll my eyes as we go towards his car.

"Oh are we taking the Katherine reincarnation with us?" I mutter as I notice Elena waiting by Stefan's car.

"Yes but this Katherine reincarnation as you like to put it is nothing like Katherine. Understand?" Stefan eyes me as we get to the car.

"Hey" She smiles kissing Stefan. Gross. She opens the front door as I stare at her in disbelief.

"Wow okay, guess I've been pushed to back seat" I scoff loud enough for her to hear as she awkwardly sits in the front seat. We sit in silence on the drive home, feeling the awkward tension nipping at our skin. We get home to find the house filled with even more awkward tension. I walk into the lounge room to see Elijah and Damon talking to one another. God, will he ever just leave me alone?

"Elijah, what are you doing here?" I question him.

"I came to ask you a question" He casually states. My eyes flick down his body before folding my arms.

"Follow me" I mutter as he follows me up into my room. He closes the door as I walk over to my window, looking out onto the bush.

"What do you want?" I ask him as he speeds up behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck but I ignored his closeness.

"You never answered my question last night" He states as I try not to turn around.

"What one...?" I whisper though I had a feeling as to which one it was.

"About dating me" he says as I stiffen.

"I told you why I couldn't" I tell him as he remains silent for a few moments before finally deciding to speak up.

"I found your reason to be bullshit. I'm a one-thousand-year-old vampire. I've been through it all. I highly doubt you'll be the one to bring me down." He comments causing me to finally turn to face him.

"What is your attraction about me? Hm? Why am I so 'special'?" I sarcastically question.

"I have my reasons Ana. But I need an answer. I need you to really think about this" He says softly peering down at me as I look away, staring at his shoes.

"It's your funeral" I mutter before looking up at him, folding my arms.

"So that's a yes?" I could see a small smirk form on his face.

"Yes, but, don't be expecting my humanity to be popping up anytime soon." I tell him. I don't get why he's bothering. I'm not emotionally invested in this. This is all so one sided. He wraps his arms around my stiff body, placing his head-on mine.

"When was the last time you dated someone?" He questions obviously gesturing to how I said it had been such a long time since I dated last time we spoke.

"I don't know if you would call it dating but I did have a thing with a blacksmith back in 1860. But he's dead now" I state as he pulls away, looking at me with an expression I couldn't read. What is he up to?

"How about we go downstairs" He suspiciously says.

"Uh... Sure..." I mutter following him downstairs. Stefan and Elena were sharing a couch as they read the same book, obviously for a class at school. And Damon was admiring his alcoholic beverages.

"Salvatore brothers, tell me a little bit about yourselves back in the 1860's" Elijah announces taking a seat as I stand beside the singular couch.

"What do you want to know?" Stefan asks.

"What can you tell me about the Blacksmith's of your day?" He says as I look over at him, clenching my jaw.

"Um... I remember this one Blacksmith that worked for us, what was his name again?" Stefan turns to Damon.

"Benjamin Turner" Damon replies.


I laugh softly as I run down the path as I turn to see Benjamin was no longer following me. I look confused as to where he went before having hands grab me from behind, causing me to squeal before giggling as I turn around, looking up to see his smiling face down at mine.

"Caught you" he whispers, keeping his hands on my waist.

"To be fair, I am in a dress" I smile as his eyes linger into my mine. His thumb and finger holds my chin as he brings my face closer to his.

"I think I love you..." I whisper softly hoping he doesn't hear me. He stops before moving his head away from me. My eyes wander his face worried that what I had just said was a mistake.

"I think I love you too" He mutters as a wave of relief over takes my body. His kisses me softly as I relax at his touch.


"Is there anything else you can tell me?" He questions them as I snap out of my train of thought. I notice they were looking at one another, silent before awkwardly darting their eyes to and from me.

"No I don't think so" Stefan mutters. Elijah looks over to me before back to the boys.

"Could I speak to the two of you for a moment?" He says as they are unsure, but follow him out of the room anyway. I roll my eyes sitting next to Elena on the lounge.

"Hey" She smiles at me as I look her, emotionless. She awkwardly moves her eyes away, looking back at her book.

"Hey" I decide to reply. Her eyes peer back up, surprised I replied.

"How are you feeling?" She questions me.

"How am I feeling? I'm feeling nothing and have felt nothing for years. Though those morons think they can do something about it. So how am I feeling? If I could feel something, I'd probably feel pissed" I say to her as she shifts in her seat uncomfortably.

"I'm only kidding. I'm fine, I suppose, you?" I comment having her try and hide her embarrassed smile.

"I'm good thanks" She nods as I peer down at her book. The three men return, Stefan and Damon holding an expression I couldn't read.

"Welcome back ladies" I smirk at them.

"I'm going to go; I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Elijah places his hand on my shoulder as I look to my side, to see his face close to mine.

"Sure thing" I mumble as he kisses my cheek. He leaves the room as I lean back on the couch. Damon and Stefan remains silent as my eyes dart between them.

"What?" I say as they avoid my eye contact.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes getting up and going to my room.

Anastasia Salvatore (Vampire Diaries fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now