Chapter 17

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We walked up to the front desk and the lady behind looked up at us.
"Hi, how can I help you two?", she asked.
"Hi, um we have a meeting with Janice Anderson?", I said.
"Oh yes!Your the newly wed couple she was talking about",she smiled, then went and looked on her clipboard.
"Yep...thats us", I said, then rolled my eyes.
"Your not selling it",Dinger taunted at me lowly, then threw his arm around me."Yes ma'am 3 months."
"Aww that's great!", she said then put the clipboard up on the counter."Now if I could have you two just sign in, I can take you back to see her."

I slid it towards me and signed my name, then slid it over to Dinger and he did the same then handed it back to her.
"Great!Follow me", she said, so we did and we followed her down the hall to a door, then she knocked."Mrs. Anderson?"
"Come in", she called from inside, so she opened the door and ushered us inside as well.
"Mr. and Mrs. Holfield are here to talk to you about Rosalie?", she said.
"Oh yes!Please, have a seat!Thank you Carrie", Janice said then Carrie nodded and walked out, closing the door behind her.

"Hi, how are you this morning?",she said in an annoying tone and smiled as we sat down.
Doin just peachy.
"Great and you?", I answered instead.
"Oh I'm doing just fine, but I know you did'nt come here to chit chat with me-let's sign some papers shall we?", she said.
"Yes ma'am",Dinger nodded to her.
She put two big ass stacks of papers on the desk in front of us, so I grabbed mine and the pen off the top, then started in on it.
"So how long ago was your guys's wedding?",she asked and folded her arms on the desk and Dinger looked up from the papers he was signing.

"Almost a whole year ago, I married this beautiful-gorgeous girl right here", Dinger said, taking one of my hands in his."And I feel like the happiest and most luckiest man in the entire world because now I'm adopting a beautiful child with her."
Then the next thing I knew, he kissed the back of my hand before letting it go and giving me a smile as he turned back to his papers.
Janice looked like she was about to cry because she was holding her hand to her chest, while my mouth was on the floor and I was leaned back in my chair lookin at Dinger like "are you serious right now?"
That almost sounded true.
I almost believed all that bullshit he just spewed.
But I did'nt say anything, and instead, I smiled, acting as though I was in love with him.
Which was'nt all too hard.

"I am so happy for you two!!", she smiled at me.
"Thank, out of curiousity, when is Rosalie's birthday?", I asked.
"July 10",she answered.
"Really?Wow-it's coming up then",Dinger said and looked at me.
"I know you, and I already know what your thinking-no fireworks for her birthday, I don't need you burning down half the neighborhood", I said and he laughed.
"Boys and their toys", Janice shook her head.
"Is'nt that the truth", I laughed as well and signed my name on another paper.

After about an hour and a half of doing paperwork, we were finally done.
We walked out of Janice's office, and she followed us, shook both our hands, then we went out into the waiting room while she went and got Rosalie for us.
Dinger sat down and put his bad leg out while I paced back and forth biting my thumb nail.
"Jazz, would you take a seat and calm down?What's your damage?",he said.

"Oh yea-take a seat he says", I rolled my eyes and kept pacing."What's your damage he says...adopt a kid with me and I'll take care of it he says-Dinger I can't be the only one worrying about how I'm gunna explain this to my parents-how not only did I adopt a child, without their consent-the fact were both under age...we don't even have a house for Christs sake Dinger!"
"Hey, I told you I'd take care of it, and I will", he said as he stood up and towered over me."I promise."

"Dinger I don't understand how you got me to agree to this-I don't like you", I growled."I never have and I never will."
"And yet here you are, about to take our now adopt kid home with me",he smirked.
Ooo you motherfucker.
"Here she is!!",Janice's voice rang out across the waiting room as she suddenly reappeared again.

"MOMMY!!DADDY!!",Rosalie screamed in excitement as she ran towards us and I picked her up giving her a hug.
"Hi sweetheart", I smiled and we held each other for a few seconds before she reached at Dinger.
"DADDY!!",she giggled, so I handed her to Dinger and she clung to him as well.
"Hi baby", he smiled too.
Ok, I'm not gunna lie, that was honestly adorable.

"Janice, thank you so, so much", I said to her as we shook hands.
"Thank you!", she said, then Dinger set her down and she held his hand.
"Bye Janny!",Rose waved up to her and she smiled, kneeling down to her height.
"Goodbye sweetheart", she said.

Rose smiled at her, then reached up and me so I picked her up and held her on my hip.
"Thanks again", Dinger nodded to her as they shook hands.
"Come on Mommy let's go home",Rose whispered in my ear.
"Yea, lets go home sweetheart",Dinger smiled.

Then we turned around and walked away with Rose waving to Janice as we walked out.
We walked across the parking lot and to the car, where I put her in the back, in my old car seat I had as a kid, and we put in before we came here.
After I got her strapped in, I got in and sighed as I leaned down in my seat, staring at the wheel.
"What now?", I asked and looked over at Dinger.

"...We go back home and wait for your Mom and Dad", he said.
I stared at him for a few seconds, before I sucked a long breath in and let it out real slow, turning back to the wheel.
I turned the car on, put it in drive then took off towards home again.
I did'nt know how this was going to play out, and I did'nt know if I wanted to, but I pushed on anyway.

(A/N: Im really sorry this chapter sucked and I know it, but it's like 2 a.m. as I write this, and I promise I'll try to do better in the next chapter...I  might even go back and re-write it but for now this is what I got.)

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