Chapter 7

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The next day, I went to school, then when it was around lunch, I of course went out and sat at the tables then ate our shitty school lunches.
Usually I don't eat anything, but today I thought why not.
And as always it was shit.
I threw it in the trash, then crossed my arms and looked around at the other tables trying to find Bobby and Dinger then I found them and walked over.
"Oh look it's the whore",Dinger muttered as I sat beside him, then smirked at me.
"Right back at ya man whore",I laughed and nudged him.
"Ok, am I dreaming, or are you guys ACTUALLY kind of getting along?",Bobby laughed.
"I never thought I'd see the day",Lanie giggled.
"It's a surprise to me",Joel shrugged.

"Yea?Well don't hold your breath, in a few minutes we'll probably be throwin blows at each other",I laughed then stole a Dingers plate, then when he glared at me, I flipped him off.
After a few minutes of talking with everyone, I saw one guy walk by our table and he was staring at me, so smiled and nodded, and he did the same, then walked away.
Once he was gone, I heard Dinger scoff as he rolled his eyes, so I turned to him.
"What's your deal?",I said.
"You've probably done him right?",he said.
"What?Dude I don't even KNOW him-where the hell would you get that?",I shot back.
"Cause that's what you do!Your the school whore right?",he said, and everyone at our table got silent as I turned to him.
"What the fuck crawled up your ass?!",I said.
"Your unbelieveable!!",he shook his head."So you can give ME a wake up call, but I can't give you one?"

"I don't need a wake up call cause there's nothing to even wake me up from!!You on the other hand, clearly you still need some work!!",I growled.
"Oh yea like you worked on Zak's dick all the time?",he shook his head as he stood up.
Oh hell no, he isn't walking away from me.
I went after him and shoved him from behind, so he stopped and turned to me, looking like he wanted to kill me.
"Oh shit",I heard Bobby mutter, and by this time we had EVERYONE'S attention.
"What does it matter to you Dinger?!What are you that much of a man whore that your jealous it wasn't YOU!?",I said."And besides that, I never did anything with him, even though it has nothing to do with you and it is NONE of your concern!!!"

He glared at me for a few more seconds, before I shook my head and shoved him back again.
"Your such an asshole",I said, then he swung at me and missed.
"Oh shit dude, shits about to go down",Joel said.
I came back up jaw dropped, and a couple seconds later, Dingers jaw dropped too.
"Oh shit Jaz, I didn't mean to do that, it's just you make me so damn pissed off-"
I never let him finish because I swung my fist up and punched him across the face so hard he fell to the floor, so I got on top of him and kept punching him as people crowded around us.
He pushed me off, then got on top of me and punched me across the face, so I grabbed the collar of his shirt and punched him so he fell off me and I got back on him and kept beating his face in.

This continued for a couple more minutes, and Bobby tried prying me off him but it was no use.
So THIS continued for a couple MORE minutes, until teachers ran out and had to separate us.
Once they pried me off him, I fought against the guy to get to Dinger again, but I finally gave up.
"So thats's what you think of me?!A whore!Wow!!And to THINK I was ACTUALLY starting to think we were becoming FRIENDS for once!!HA!!!"FRIENDS"!!What a joke!!I hate you Dinger Holfield!!I hate you and I never want to see you again you asshole!!"

And with that I walked off the school campus and to home.

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