Clifford the Ghast

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Once upon a time, in the far away land of Harmony Hallow, lived Queen Shubble or as her friends liked to call her, Shelby. She ruled her realm with Graser (she did everything though). They found a kid named Will, that came from a destroyed village named The Cube. She and Graser went out on a quest to help them. Will stowed away on the ship and a storm started. The boat crashed because of the storm and Graser and Will were gone. Shelby found another person.

(Shelby) "Clifford." he said. "Come on." I said and pulled him by the arm out of there. He may or may not have just tried to kill me, but he's just a little kid. Once we got out of the house I got a good view of it. It was a white monster spitting out fire balls.

Once it was gone I asked him, "WHAT WAS THAT?!?" "It's a Ghast. His name's Clifford. He used to be in a museum. He somehow got out." he said. "Have you happened to see a robot or a kid with red sweater?" I asked him. Maybe he saw Graser or Will. "That sounds like Will and Graser..." he said with a sad tone. "YOU KNOW WILL AND GRASER?!?" I screamed at him. "Ow my ears." he said. "Whoops," I said. I get that a lot. "How do you know Will or Graser?" he said. "I'm from a place called Harmony Hallow. Graser came there a while ago. He's actually my husband.... But, yesterday Will was on the shore. His boat crashed. And he told us that bad stuff happened here. He came on the ship here. And we crashed..." I said. He held out his hand. "I'm Liam." he said. I shook his hand. "Shelby."

(A/N I'm sorry if there's not a lot of chapters of these. Going on really. I'm at my grandparents now and then I have camp. Soon after that school starts again. WHY MOM DID YOU SIGN ME UP FOR EVERY CAMP EVER?!? I'm exaggerating, sorry. 

Thanks for reading.

GET HAG'D (get have a good day) GRAMMAR

- Yari :3 )

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