To The CUBE!!!

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Once upon a time, in the far away land of Harmony Hallow, lived Queen Shubble or as her friends liked to call her, Shelby. She ruled her realm with Graser (she did everything though). They found a kid named Will, that came from a destroyed village named The Cube.

(Shelby) Me and Graser hopped on a boat. "Graser I'm gonna go give Mariel her diamonds, you finish packing." I said. And walked to Mariel's house. Knock! Knock! I waited at the door. Nothing. I guess she isn't home. I left the diamonds outside her house.

Last place to go was to check on Will before we leave. I looked up in me and Graser's room. He was still sleeping. Well, crashing a boat is probably really tiring. By the end of this Graser will probably know. 

We were headed for The Cube. Luckily, Mariel was going to look after Will. The way Will described it made him seam like he was the only survivor. I didn't want to think about what happened to him. I don't want him to have to be alone. What could have done that to The Cube? From what I've heard it's a really good village. How could something destroy it that fast? We know it must have been quick for people to have gotten out. "Hey Shelby I'm hungry." Graser said, pulling me back to reality. "Do we have any pizza?" he asked. "We'll see." I said.

We walked down to the bottom deck. We packed it with a lot of food in case if we find people. I opened the first bin. Inside was the blankets. The next one had all the pillows. "Graser did you pack wrong?" I asked him. "No," he answered. I pointed to a sign above it. "The sign says Food" I said. Graser face palmed. I swear I could hear giggling (that wasn't from Shelby). "Graser did you hear that?" I asked him. "Hear what?" he asked. It came from the side that was 'suppose to' have blankets. I walked over there. I opened the first one, nothing. I guess it was nothing. I started to walk away, but then I heard it again. "Ok, I heard it this time." Graser said helping me look. I opened another one. Inside was a lot of pillows. "Graser, this is almost overflowing!" I said. Graser took out one of the pillows to see....

(A/N I have written about 6 more chapters just because why not. The only reason I'm not putting them out is because I don't want to put more then 2 of these out in a day. That seems like too much and I have ideas now who knows when I'll run out so I don't want it to randomly go from 10 in one day to once a week.

HAG'D (have a good day)

- Yari :3 )

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